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Articles on Super PACS

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Money in politics? Somebody’s got to pay for those signs. AP/John Raoux

Money in elections doesn’t mean what you think it does

Is money the root of all evil in politics? It’s easy to see a correlation between winning and fundraising – money flows to likely winners and competitive races. But correlation is not causation.
US Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker hugs his childhood babysitter Janice Dietz at a campaign stop in Plainfield, Iowa. Jim Young/Reuters

What the Scott Walker fundraising controversy means for 2016

A court has dismissed a criminal investigation into Wisconsin Governor and presidential candidate Scott Walker. The decision will encourage closer relationships between candidates and PACs.
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush: Super PAC darling REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES

Cash is not king: Jeb Bush’s Super PAC problem

Likely presidential hopeful Jeb Bush may be first among equals in support from mega-rich Super PACS but dough alone is not enough to get to the front of the pack in Republican politics
President Obama’s superior organisation outweighed the money stacked against him. EPA/Michael Reynolds

SuperPACs and bags of cash fail to halt Obama’s ground game

The fear of Big Money swamping the 2012 federal election cycle in the United States was borne out in sheer dollars, with $US6billion in spending, including $2.7 billion on the presidential race alone…
With the rise of “SuperPACs”, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has a fundraising advantage over President Barack Obama. EPA/CJ Gunther

Explainer: what is a Super PAC?

David Weisbrot of the University of Sydney explains where the money comes from with the rise of Super PACs in the US presidential elections, in collaboration with SBS Online.
In the US, corporate personhood has enabled corporations to exercise undue influence on the electoral process. takomabibelot

Revenge of the PACMan: how corporations are eating away at US democracy

A Supreme Court ruling in 2010, designed to clarify the parameters of free speech, has created a monster. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission made much of corporate rights. It paid significantly…

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