Scholars say Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s schools, universities and museums are part of an ongoing project to destroy Palestinian people, identity and ideas.
Israeli troops have withdrawn after two days of fighting in a camp in the occupied West Bank. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that it would not be a ‘one-time action.’
The village of Lajjun, near Nazareth, which was destroyed in 1948 to make room for a kibbutz is a microcosm of the catastrophe that still affects Palestinians 75 years later.
Vinita Srivastava, The Conversation and Boké Saisi, The Conversation
The UN’s resolution to recognize Nakba Day on May 15, to mark the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in 1948, helps to acknowledge past traumas but does the resolution have other implications?
A documentary filmmaker discusses her work which looks at the erased history of Palestinians in a Jerusalem neighbourhood in order to point to the possibility of a shared Jewish/Arab future.