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Articles on Western Sydney

Displaying 61 - 63 of 63 articles

Liberal candidate for Greenway Jaymes Diaz has made international headlines for his gaffe-prone campaign - but he may yet wrest the seat from Labor. Channel 10

Greenway, or the place which Jaymes Diaz is trying to represent

The ultra-marginal seat of Greenway in Sydney’s western suburbs has recently drawn international scrutiny after the embarrassing media performance of the Liberal candidate Jaymes Diaz, who faltered when…
Both parties have refused to commit to a second Sydney airport ahead of this election given its likely proximity to the crucial western Sydney region. AAP/Alan Porritt

A second Sydney airport? Not anytime soon

Western Sydney has been firmly in the spotlight throughout this federal election campaign. From the candidates who can’t remember their party’s plan to “stop the boats” to those who are “feisty and have…
Sitting Labor MP David Bradbury is running for re-election for the seat of Lindsay. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

No easy way to Lindsay

The seat of Lindsay represents some of Sydney’s outer western suburbs. It has occupied its own special place in the Australian psyche, long before the leaflet scandal in the last days of John Howard’s…

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