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Articles on What is Australia for

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It’s time to let go of our old identity. Matthew McVickar

Australia: moving on up from down under

WHAT IS AUSTRALIA FOR? Australia is no longer small, remote or isolated. It’s time to ask What Is Australia For?, and to acknowledge the wealth of resources we have beyond mining. Currently The Conversation…
How do we conduct research on the big problems so we can contribute to collective well-being? Ed Salkeld

Research for the future of Australia

WHAT IS AUSTRALIA FOR? Australia is no longer small, remote or isolated. It’s time to ask What Is Australia For?, and to acknowledge the wealth of resources we have beyond mining. Over the next two weeks…
Australia could have led the world in assessing projects for their economic, social and environmental impacts, but we lost our nerve. AAP

Beyond setting an example: what is Australian environmental policy for?

WHAT IS AUSTRALIA FOR? Australia is no longer small, remote or isolated. It’s time to ask What Is Australia For?, and to acknowledge the wealth of resources we have beyond mining. Over the next two weeks…
Don’t we want to be interesting, relevant, useful, independent and well-informed? Gary Hayes

Bush, beach, beer and bayonet - or a grown-up Australia in Asia?

WHAT IS AUSTRALIA FOR? Australia is no longer small, remote or isolated. It’s time to ask What Is Australia For?, and to acknowledge the wealth of resources we have beyond mining. Over the next two weeks…
Allocating research grants based on past projects and potential profits is immoral – it skews research and damages the academic psyche. URBAN ARTefakte

Thinking for money: moral questions for Australian research

WHAT IS AUSTRALIA FOR? Australia is no longer small, remote or isolated. It’s time to ask What Is Australia For?, and to acknowledge the wealth of resources we have beyond mining. Over the next two weeks…
In the groundhog daze of globalising suburbia, the idea of a new beginning sounds infernally remote. Melissa Gray

Not beyond imagining: songlines for a new world

WHAT IS AUSTRALIA FOR? Australia is no longer small, remote or isolated. It’s time to ask What Is Australia For?, and to acknowledge the wealth of resources we have beyond mining. Over the next two weeks…
Australia has to take the initiative if we want to build a relationship with Asia based on the arts. AAP

Finding a place on the Asian stage

WHAT IS AUSTRALIA FOR? Australia is no longer small, remote or isolated. It’s time to ask What Is Australia For?, and to acknowledge the wealth of resources we have beyond mining. Over the next two weeks…

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