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Politics – Research and News

Displaying 326 - 350 of 366 articles

Former President Mwai Kibaki (bottom left) and opposition leader Raila Odinga (bottom right) sign a power-sharing agreement in February 2008. Antony Njuguna/Reuters

How Kenya could move away from the politics of ethnicity

Kenya must address the problem of tribalism and ethnic violence. To do this leaders must critically examine the concept of political ideology.
The not-for-profit sector continues to grow in Africa and across the world. Shutterstock

The role of NGOs in Africa: are they a force for good?

Non-governmental organisations are criticised for pandering to the whims of the donor community at the expense of local populations. The real question is: can they bring about real change?
DRC President Joseph Kabila in Kinshasa. Kenny Katombe/Reuters

Now is not the time for the UN to run from the DRC

The Democratic Republic of Congo desperately needs a peaceful election but with the UN threatening to scale back its DRC mission, the likelihood of a successful poll is being threatened