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Articles sur Endangered species

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Whooping cranes, a critically endangered species, breed in one location, a wetland in Wood Buffalo National Park. Yet a federal-provincial review panel has approved an oilsands mine that could kill some of the birds. (Shutterstock)

Energy development wins when it’s pitted against endangered species

Are our brains wired to favour growth over environmentally rational decisions?
Maya the detection dog was part of a team sniffing out koalas. Marie Colibri/USC

Koala-detecting dogs sniff out flaws in Australia’s threatened species protection

Environmental protections in Australia are built on assumptions about where animals live – and it’s harming our wildlife.
One of the artworks made as part of a project where Australians are sending artistic representations of the bird to politicians to protest the Adani mine, which threatens the bird’s habitat. Robyn Rich

Protest art: rallying cry or elegy for the black-throated finch?

Australian artists are protesting the Adani mine’s potential impact on the black-throated finch. The project is gaining traction online, but in this case, emotive art might not be enough.
Matchstick banksia (Banksia cuneate). There are only about 500 of these plants left in the wild at 11 different sites, with much of its habitat having been historically cleared for agriculture. Andrew Crawford/Threatened Species Hub

Undocumented plant extinctions are a big problem in Australia – here’s why they go unnoticed

A recent global survey found almost 600 plants have gone extinct. And this figure is likely to be an underestimate.
The Darling River near Louth NSW, April 2019, in the midst of a drought compounded by upstream irrigation policies. Jaana Dielenberg

As the dust of the election settles, Australia’s wildlife still needs a pathway for recovery

In the event, the federal election turned out to be more about the economy than the environment. But there are steps the Coalition government can take to help conservation and boost the economy too.
About 74% of New Zealand’s land birds, including the endemic takahe, are either threatened or at risk of extinction. AAP/Brendon Doran

Despite its green image, NZ has world’s highest proportion of species at risk

The latest update on the environment highlights that New Zealand has the world’s highest proportion of indigenous wildlife species either threatened or at risk of extinction.
Is this dragonfly thriving, or just hanging on? Chris Luczkow/Flickr

Is an ‘insect apocalypse’ happening? How would we know?

Alarm bells went off when several recent studies reported mass insect die-offs in different parts of the world. But reports of an ‘insect apocalypse’ have been greatly exaggerated.
A polar bear crosses ice In Alaska’s Chukchi Sea area, where a recent court ruling bars the Trump administration from greenlighting offshore drilling. NOAA/OER/Hidden Ocean 2016:The Chukchi Borderlands

A defeat on offshore drilling extends the Trump administration’s losing streak in court

Can presidents undo decisions by their predecessors to protect federal lands from development? A recent court ruling on offshore drilling says no, and could also affect contested lands in Utah.
A palisade trapdoor spider of the new species E. turrificus walks across the rainforest floor near Maleny, Queensland. Jeremy Wilson

Trapdoor spider species that stay local put themselves at risk

Trapdoor spiders that build unique burrows are found only in small areas of Queensland. But they don’t travel very far from their location, and that could put them at risk.

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