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Articles sur Boothby

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After a bruising election result for GetUp, national director Paul Oosting is in Canberra this week to work on press freedom. Joel Carrett

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Paul Oosting responds to GetUp’s critics

Paul Oosting responds to GetUp’s critics The Conversation, CC BY29,1 Mo (download)
GetUp's national director Paul Oosting joins Michelle Grattan to respond to critics who accuse the organisation of "creating an environment...[of] abuse, harassment, intimidation".
Boothby MP Andrew Southcott will likely ride the wave of a national swing towards to the Liberals to return him to parliament in the Coalition’s most marginal electorate. AAP/Alan Porritt

Boothby not yet a likely proposition for Labor

Boothby, the most marginal Liberal-held seat in this election, is a demographically solid part of middle-class Australia. Held by the Liberal Party since 1949, it is only since 2004 that Boothby has slipped…

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