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Articles sur Congressional districts

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Overturning decades of tradition, the Supreme Court in 2022 let Alabama use voting districts that violated the law and diluted the voting power of Black citizens. Al Drago/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Voting in unconstitutional districts: US Supreme Court upended decades of precedent in 2022 by allowing voters to vote with gerrymandered maps instead of fixing the congressional districts first

Historically, federal courts prioritized voting rights and legal congressional districts for upcoming elections above all other concerns. But the Supreme Court changed that in 2022.
Unchecked, politicians are likely to try to grab as much electoral power as they can. Fabrice LEROUGE/ONOKY via Getty Images

How politicians can draw fairer election districts − the same way parents make kids fairly split a piece of cake

Electoral redistricting is a high-stakes political game, so Democrats and Republicans have a hard time playing fair. When they’re made to work together, a more representative result is possible.
Mississippi state legislators review an option for redrawing the state’s voting districts at the state Capitol in Jackson on March 29, 2022. AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

Supreme Court allows states to use unlawfully gerrymandered congressional maps in the 2022 midterm elections

A ruling by the US Supreme Court to allow unlawful maps to be used in the midterm elections will affect who gets elected to the House of Representatives and may determine control of Congress.

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