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Articles sur Presidential election 2024

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U.S. President Joe Biden mingles with diners at Hannibal’s Kitchen in Charleston, S.C., in January 2024. (AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough)

Don’t count Biden out: January polls are historically unreliable

Despite what January polls suggest, in a Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden rematch in November, a result similar to 2020 would be probable: a big Biden vote lead and tight state-by-state battles.
Former President Donald Trump greets supporters following a 2020 campaign rally in Arizona. Isaac Brekken/Getty Images

Who likes Donald Trump? Lots of Republicans, but especially Hispanic voters, plus very rural and very conservative people

New findings by political scientists at Northwestern University and Harvard Kennedy School provide a clearer picture of which demographic groups support Trump.
The volatile mix of deepfakes and political campaigns is a good reason to be on guard. Sean Anthony Eddy Creative/E+ via Getty Images

Events that never happened could influence the 2024 presidential election – a cybersecurity researcher explains situation deepfakes

AI can manipulate a real event or invent one from thin air to create a ‘situation deepfake.’ These deepfakes threaten to influence upcoming elections, but you can still protect your vote.
An AI-driven political campaign could be all things to all people. Eric Smalley, TCUS; Biodiversity Heritage Library/Flickr; Taymaz Valley/Flickr

How AI could take over elections – and undermine democracy

Artificial intelligence looks like a political campaign manager’s dream because it could tune its persuasion efforts to millions of people individually – but it could be a nightmare for democracy.

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