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Artikel-artikel mengenai Asylum seekers

Menampilkan 321 - 340 dari 828 artikel

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have been very clear the US arrangement is a one-off deal. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

US deal is a good news story for refugees – here’s why it took so long

The Australian government’s refugee deal with the US is the first positive news in three years for asylum seekers and refugees on Nauru and Manus Island.
Asylum seekers at the Manus Regional Processing Centre in Papa New Guinea, one of Australia’s two offshore immigration detention facilities. AAP Image/Eoin Blackwell

European leaders taking cues from Australia on asylum seeker policies

Across Europe anti immigration political leaders are turning to Australia for inspiration on how to reduce the number of people seeking asylum in their countries.
A March 21, 2014 photograph of asylum seekers behind a fence at the Manus Island detention centre. AAP/Eoin Blackwell

Same old rhetoric cannot justify banning refugees from Australia

The government’s message to asylum seekers is already clear: you are not welcome, and you will not be resettled in Australia. Surely that message does not need to be any harsher.
Malcolm Turnbull sounded shrill when, with Peter Dutton, he announced new legislation on Sunday. Paul Millar/AAP Image

New ban on boat people may be belt-and-braces for resettlement initiative

The only way the Turnbull government’s announcement of its latest move against boat people makes sense is if it is the belt-and-braces part of a wider plan to resettle refugees from Nauru and Manus Island…

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