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Artikel-artikel mengenai United Kingdom (UK)

Menampilkan 261 - 280 dari 793 artikel

Boris Johnson is one of the leading candidates to succeed Theresa May as prime minster. He has none of the required qualities to make a success of Brexit. Andy Rain/EPA

Why Boris Johnson would be a mistake to succeed Theresa May

If Boris Johnson becomes PM, the most likely outcome is a no-deal Brexit leavened with the rhetoric of past and future glories of the UK. There are better candidates for the job.
The doner kebab, a typical “German” meal? Jason M Ramos

The doner kebab, an unlikely symbol of European identity

While thought of as an unpretentious fast-food dish, the doner kebab is a symbol of the social, political and identity issues facing European society today.
Days of protest by Extinction Rebellion have brought parts of London to a standstill. Shutterstock

UK becomes first country to declare a ‘climate emergency’

The move has been likened to putting the country on a “war footing”, with climate and the environment at the very centre of all government policy, rather than being on the fringe of political decisions.
The UK’s Online Harms White Paper provides a starting point to consider what internet regulation can look like. Shutterstock

What the U.K.’s Online Harms white paper teaches us about internet regulation

Britain’s Online Harms white paper was developed through public consultations and open, democratic processes. It suggests developing regulations that would be implemented by an arms-length entity.

Five options for Brexit trade explained

These are the five options for Brexit: Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement, staying in the customs union, staying in the single market, the so-called Common Market 2.0 idea or a no-deal Brexit.

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