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Princeton University

Princeton University is a vibrant community of scholarship and learning that stands in the nation’s service and in the service of all nations. Chartered in 1746, Princeton is the fourth-oldest college in the United States. Princeton is an independent, coeducational, nondenominational institution that provides undergraduate and graduate instruction in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering.

As a world-renowned research university, Princeton seeks to achieve the highest levels of distinction in the discovery and transmission of knowledge and understanding. At the same time, Princeton is distinctive among research universities in its commitment to undergraduate teaching.

Today, more than 1,100 faculty members instruct approximately 5,000 undergraduate students and 2,500 graduate students. The University’s generous financial aid program ensures that talented students from all economic backgrounds can afford a Princeton education.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 82 articles

Philadelphia’s public high schools face a trade-off between emphasizing academic and technical skills. Hill Street Studios/DigitalVision Collection via Getty Images

Most Philly public school students have college ambitions − but their level of preparation depends on which high school they attend

A sociologist and former high school math teacher found that Philadelphia students face starkly different expectations for college depending on what type of school they attend.
A micro-survey of political science students has found they go into politics to serve the public good. (Shutterstock)

The kids are alright: Aspiring political staffers are altruistically motivated

In a time of growing partisanship and general political uncertainty, a short research project provides a snapshot of the young people who might one day walk the halls of power.
Rather than using AI to replace workers, companies can build teams that ethically integrate the technology. Yuichiro Chino/Moment via Getty Images

NASA’s Mars rovers could inspire a more ethical future for AI

AI poses a variety of ethical conundrums, but the NASA teams working on Mars rovers exemplify an ethic of care and human-robot teamwork that could act as a blueprint for AI’s future.
Tourists cross a hanging bridge in the treetops of Costa Rica’s Monteverde cloud forest. Matthew Williams-Ellis/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Protecting biodiversity – and making it accessible – has paid off for Costa Rica

Tourism revenues account for almost 10% of Costa Rica’s gross domestic product. New research shows that charismatic wildlife is necessary but not sufficient to attract ecotourists.
Défilé de la délégation chinoise lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture au stade du Nid d’Oiseau, Pékin, 4 février 2022. Manan Vatsayana/AFP

Pourquoi les Jeux olympiques d’hiver sont si importants pour la légitimité du Parti communiste chinois

L’organisation d’un événement planétaire comme les JO d’hiver est l’occasion pour le pouvoir de réaffirmer sa détermination et sa capacité à conduire la population sur la voie du « Rêve chinois ».
Builders construct experimental vaults of brick and cement blocks in Santiago de Cuba in December 1960. Centro de Documentación, Empresa RESTAURA, Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana

Cuba’s post-revolution architecture offers a blueprint for how to build more with less

After Fidel Castro took power, government plans to build new housing, schools and factories were hindered by sanctions and supply chain issues, forcing architects to come up with creative solutions.

Smoke from the Black Summer fires created an algal bloom bigger than Australia in the Southern Ocean

This enormous, unprecedented algal bloom could have profound implications for carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and for the marine ecosystem.
Seorang aktivis pro-demokrasi di Hong Kong memegang foto Zhang Zhan, seorang jurnalis warga yang dijatuhi hukuman empat tahun di China atas pelaporannya tentang wabah COVID Wuhan. Miguel Candela/EPA

Dengan membungkam kritik dan memenjarakan pembangkang, Cina berusaha mengendalikan narasi asal-usul COVID-19

Cina menghadapi taruhan tinggi ketika tim WHO tiba untuk menyelidiki asal-usul virus COVID-19. Pemerintah Cina telah menyajikan kisah sukses kepada dunia - dan tidak akan menerima kritik apa pun.
Un militant pro-démocratie à Hong Kong tient une photo de Zhang Zhan, une journaliste citoyenne condamnée à quatre ans de prison en Chine pour ses reportages sur l'épidémie de Covid-19 à Wuhan. Miguel Candela/EPA

Comment la Chine tente de réécrire l’histoire sur les origines de la Covid-19

L’enjeu est de taille pour la Chine alors que des équipes de l’OMS arrivent pour enquêter sur les origines du coronavirus. Pékin projette une image de réussite – et n’acceptera aucune critique.


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