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University of Calgary

The University of Calgary is a publicly funded research-intensive university founded in 1966, with 14 faculties offering more than 250 academic programs, and more than 50 research institutes and centres. As one of Canada’s top comprehensive research universities, UCalgary combines the best of university tradition with the City of Calgary’s vibrant energy and diversity. Combining our commitment to excellence in research and scholarship, a high-quality learning environment, and our deep connections with the Calgary community, we provide students the opportunity to shape their future and become productive citizens and leaders in a complex world.


Displaying 301 - 320 of 431 articles

Sunflowers and luffa vines — related to cucumber, gourd and squash — are tended by a Community Roots participant and mentor in a Brooklyn school community garden with their instructor (right). (Pieranna Pieroni)

At a New York City garden, students grow their community roots and critical consciousness

Urban gardening is a departure point for learning about land and relationships, as well as food, consumer culture and social activism.
Un brouillard de fumée causé par les feux de forêt dans la région envahit Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Il est devenu essentiel de tarifer le carbone. Shutterstock

Les changements climatiques sont un risque pour la santé et les économistes ont la bonne solution

Du coup de chaleur à l'asthme en passant par la maladie de Lyme, le changement climatique pose déjà un risque sérieux pour la santé. Il est essentiel désormais de tarifer le carbone.
Explicitly teaching graduate students project management - a skill set they typically learn through trial and error - could mean better research and employability. (Shutterstock)

How universities can really help PhD grads get jobs

Graduate students have much to offer the non-academic workforce based on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Universities need to help them articulate these skills for employers.
Although guidelines suggest that developmental delays, including language delays, are ideally diagnosed by age three, most diagnoses don’t occur until age four or five. (Shutterstock)

New research suggests three profiles of communication delays in early childhood

Language milestones matter not as the final word, but as possible signals about where children might be struggling and how they can be best supported to reach their full potential.
Les programmes d'éducation à la sexualité à l'école sont essentiels pour enseigner aux jeunes comment devenir des citoyens numériques responsables et assurer leur sécurité. Shutterstock

Le sextage est lié une vie sexuelle plus active, à la consommation de drogues et à l'anxiété chez les ados

Les jeunes qui s'adonnent au sextage sont quatre fois plus actifs sexuellement, cinq fois plus susceptibles d'avoir eu plusieurs partenaires et deux fois moins enclins à utiliser la contraception.
Pipe for the Trans Mountain pipeline is unloaded in Edson, Alta. on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, as the federal government announced its intention to proceed with the pipeline. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson

How the Trans Mountain green light could benefit First Nations

An Indigenous sovereign wealth fund would finance community needs such as housing, health care, sports facilities, scholarships, Indigenous businesses and low-carbon energy – in perpetuity.
Comprensive sexual education curricula in school are essential – to teach youth how to be responsible digital citizens and to keep them safe. (Shutterstock)

Teenage sexting linked to increased sexual behaviour, drug use and poor mental health

Youth who are sexting are four times more likely to be having sex. They are five times more likely to have had multiple sexual partners and twice as likely not to be using contraception.
Bukti menunjukkan bahwa vaping menciptakan generasi muda yang kecanduan nikotin, yang memulainya dengan rokok elektronik dan kemudian beralih ke rokok tembakau. (Unsplash/Andrew Haimerl)

Vaping adalah ancaman serius terhadap kesehatan masyarakat

Masyarakat membutuhkan informasi yang jelas dan berbasis bukti terkait rokok eletronik untuk mengatasi krisis kesehatan masyarakat. Pemasaran vaping begitu agresif dan sains versi industri dominan.
Two icons of the postwar sexual revolution have recently died. Left, Doris Day in 1955 London and right, Peggy Lipton in a promo photo from The Mod Squad, which first aired in 1968. Left: (AP/Bob Dear) / Right: The Mod Squad

Remembering Doris Day and Peggy Lipton: Icons of white femininity

Doris Day and Peggy Lipton, two very different icons of the postwar sexual revolution have recently died. What are their lasting legacies of white femininity?
Embouteillage sur le Pont Jacques-Cartier, à Montréal. Les véhicules canadiens sont gros, lourds et consomment énormément d’essence. La rigueur du climat? Plus de 80% des Canadiens vivent dans des zones urbaines où une petite voiture suffit. Shutterstock

Les Canadiens ont les voitures les plus grosses et les plus énergivores au monde

Les véhicules canadiens sont gros, lourds et consomment énormément d’essence. La rigueur du climat? Plus de 80% des Canadiens vivent dans des zones urbaines où une petite voiture suffit.
Les chauffeurs du géant Uber prévoient une journée nationale d'action pour protester contre leurs conditions de travail. À Montréal, les chauffeurs appellent à une grève d'un jour. Dan Gold/Unsplash

Les chauffeurs Uber en grève: quelles conditions de travail à l'ère de la précarité ?

Les chauffeurs d'Uber, l'une des entreprises les plus prospères de l'économie dite collaborative, ferment leurs applications lors d'une journée de protestation, afin de dénoncer leur précarité.


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