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University of Reading

The University of Reading is one of the UK’s leading research universities – a global institution that enjoys a world-class reputation for research, teaching and enterprise. The University was established in 1892, received its Royal Charter in 1926, and is now a leading force in British and international higher education. With five campuses across three continents, the University is now home to 1,700 academic and research staff and 19,000 students from more than 150 countries.

The University conducts research across a wide variety of areas and is particularly celebrated as a world leader in areas such as agriculture, biological sciences, built environment, European histories and cultures, meteorology and climate change, and social sciences – including via Henley Business School.

The University is committed to pursuing research excellence between and across academic areas, with more than 50 interdisciplinary research institutes and centres, many of which are recognised as international centres of excellence.


Displaying 521 - 527 of 527 articles

Serving suggestion: just don’t eat too much. PA/Matthew Fearn

Some food will always get a red light (but we can still eat it)

Olive oil producers and other European food industry members have said they’re concerned about the UK’s traffic-light food labelling system because their products would be labelled as unhealthy. But nutrition…
He’s got the hump. PA/Ben Birchall

Camels likely suspects behind MERS, but mysteries remain

The discovery that dromedary camels may be a key source of the virus behind Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) looks to unravel one of the biggest mysteries surrounding outbreaks of the deadly…
Protesters have sought to highlight uncomfortable truths. John Stillwell/PA

Shale gas is a necessary part of the renewables recipe

Energy Minister Michael Fallon’s recent comments about the impact of fracking on communities in the leafy Home Counties (“We are going to see how thick their rectory walls are, whether they like the flaring…
Learn from the master to take over the world. fugutabetai shyashin

Five things the Washington Post can learn from Amazon

The Washington Post’s purchase by Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos is the latest example of a new generation of internet moguls spending big on pet projects. It was also revealed this week that Google…
Hasta la vista AltaVista. Wikipedia

So farewell then, AltaVista, we hardly knew ye …

The news that Yahoo! is to close down AltaVista on 8 July was greeted on the internet with shock. Shock because everyone over the age of 30 thought their original search engine of choice had ceased to…
The former Italian PM is also fighting a tax conviction. Christophe Simon/AFP

Guilty: but Silvio Berlusconi unlikely to see jail

The sentencing of Silvio Berlusconi to seven years in prison and a life-time ban from public office for sex with an under-age prostitute and abuse of office is a major setback for the former prime minister…


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