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University of the Witwatersrand

The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, also known as Wits University, is a leading, internationally-ranked, research-intensive university located in Johannesburg, South Africa, the economic heartland of Africa. Committed to academic and research excellence and social justice, Wits generates high level scarce skills for a globally competitive world, while addressing local social and economic development. At the forefront of a changing society, Wits is a social leader, dedicated to advancing the public good.

Wits is known for its work in deep level mining, science, health sciences, accountancy, law, governance, and the humanities, amongst others. It houses five faculties which comprise 34 schools. Wits offers approximately 3 600 courses to about 32 500 full-time students, of whom about a third are postgraduate and 55% are female. Almost 65% of all doctoral candidates and about half of all enrolments are in the Science, Engineering and Technology fields. Wits has developed about 130 000 graduates in its 93 years of existence. It has a proud record in that about 87% of all publications are in accredited international journals.


Displaying 1321 - 1330 of 1330 articles

Pistorius trial has kept violence against women on the frontpage. Kim Ludbrook/EPA

Who is killing women in South Africa? The inconvenient truth

Who is responsible for violence towards women? This question runs like a thread through some of the public discourses swirling around the trial of athlete Oscar Pistorius. In some ways he represents an…
Where is education going for South Africa’s ‘Born Frees’? teachandlearn

South African education still fails many 20 years after apartheid

Since the dawn of democracy in South Africa 20 years ago, pass rates in the country’s end-of-school exam – commonly known as the matric – have been steadily on the rise, despite indications that the schooling…
As the world prepares to farewell Nelson Mandela, attention turns to how to honour his legacy. EPA/Kim Ludbrook

Mandela funeral: avoiding the caricature of Madiba’s legacy

A life magnificently lived in the service of humanity. This is why there is such a simultaneous outpouring of grief and celebration with the passing of Nelson Mandela, or Madiba. He has brought South Africa…
Mandela was a key force in South Africa against AIDS denialism. SCHALK VAN ZUYDAM/AP

Mandela’s stance on HIV set him apart from his ANC successors

In the past few days since the passing of Nelson Mandela, the father of the South African nation, it has become apparent just how much Madiba meant not only to us, but to the rest of the world. He is a…
Mandela’s long walk to freedom - his release from prison in 1990. Greg English/AP

Mandela death: saying goodbye to a global icon

How do you say goodbye to a global icon? The answer must be: with dignity and by being true to the values that he fought for. By these standards, we all have done Nelson Mandela a disservice. The international…
How does the high cost of academic journal subscriptions impact the developing world? Flickr/Book Aid International

How academic journals price out developing countries

Universities libraries in the developed world are struggling to pay academic journal subscription costs – so how can universities in developing countries hope to pay? In this Q+A, Professor Adam Habib…


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