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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5026 - 5050 of 5718 articles

The evidence is out there, waiting to be found. Igor Kovalenko

Here’s how you find out who shot down MH17

More than a month has passed since Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed with the loss of all 298 lives on board. But despite the disturbances at the crash site near the small town of Grabovo, near Donetsk…
Subglacial Gjalp eruption in 1996. Páll Stefánsson, Iceland Geological Survey

Is Iceland’s next volcanic eruption about to happen?

The Iceland Meteorological Office has increased the risk of an eruption at Bárðarbunga (or Bardarbunga) volcano, after hundreds of earthquakes were reported over the weekend. The risk level has been set…
In the name of science…let’s play. sapromo

Addictive online games make citizen science a hit

A few days ago, I was an astrophysicist and contributed to a research project by organising sunspot images in order of complexity. After I’d had enough of that, I became a biochemist and worked late into…
Anyone can be a reporter for hyperlocal news. Roger H. Goun

As traditional media falters, hyperlocal news is on the up

As an example of mass participatory journalism, where the voices of ordinary citizens are heard as much as public officials or PR professionals, the UK’s hyperlocal news network is second to none. Regional…
Ready to march. Michael Rubenstein, Harvard University

Thousand-robot swarm assembles itself into shapes

There is something magical about seeing 1,000 robots move, when humans are not operating any of them. In a new study published in Science, researchers have achieved just that. This swarm of 1,000 robots…
Even bears don’t mess with drones. John Biehler

Drones are fun toys until you get hit in the face by one

Mini drones are not yet appearing in our skies on a daily basis but they certainly are a rapidly growing trend. People can and do get hurt so we really need to help amateur pilots learn how to fly their…
There are millions of these lurking in Earth’s backyard. NASA

Gecko sticking forces hold rubble-pile asteroids together

Millions of asteroids of all shapes and sizes are littered throughout the inner solar system. In the past three decades, scientists have spotted as many as 500,000 but many more remain unseen. Many of…
We’re all singing from the same hymn sheet and that’s not a good thing. InfoMofo

Is anyone immune to the social media echo chamber?

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that as we spend more time communicating via social media, we are disappearing into bubbles. We receive information from the same sources and witness the views of the…
Little bronze-cuckoo: my eggs are the best. Greg Schechter

Cuckoos beat competition by laying ‘cryptic’ eggs

Cuckoos aren’t the kind of parents you’d want. They never raise their young ones, leaving that job to other birds. They achieve this by laying their eggs in other expectant birds’ nests, who treat them…
Much harder than scoring a goal. EPA

Explainer: how are football fixtures set?

When the English football fixtures were announced in June, many fans would have studied them from their own perspective. Are the fixtures fair to their team? Why do they have to travel the full length…
Slurping up your data like it’s an all-you-can eat krill buffet. Scott Beale

Is your USB stick the enemy?

Computer users everywhere are looking at the USB stick sat next to their computer this week with trepidation. Many are now wondering if this trusted friend has turned against them now that cybersecurity…