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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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Bic is gathering handwriting samples to produce a new typeface. Caligrafia

Digging for data in Bic’s typeface experiment

Pen maker Bic has been asking people around to world to submit their handwriting so it can produce what it is calling the Universal Typeface. Although the experiment is not claiming to have any scientific…
Speaks with a forked tongue. pcoin

Explainer: why do snakes flick their tongues?

Many people think a snake’s forked tongue is creepy. Every so often, the snake waves it around rapidly, then retracts it. Theories explaining the forked tongues of snakes have been around for thousands…
Never ever, ever, ever, ever gonna give you up. Ever.

Why we’re never gonna give up on the Rickroll

Rick Astley, 80s pop singer and unlikely king of internet memes, is dead. Or at least the most persistent song in his catalogue is. Or at least its most popular unofficial YouTube upload is. Or at least…
The digital generation are a mystery to some. Besties

Reinventing entertainment for a digital generation

Children’s entertainment is in a mess. This is in no small part due to recent revelations about just what was happening when the stars of earlier generations were producing content. The high-profile cases…
The power is yours. wycliffesa

What sign language teaches us about the brain

The world’s leading humanoid robot, ASIMO, has recently learnt sign language. The news of this breakthrough came just as I completed Level 1 of British Sign Language (I dare say it took me longer to master…
A separatist soldier hands an MH17 black box to a Malaysian delegation. EPA/Robert Ghement

Explainer: what will MH17’s black boxes reveal?

The news that the black boxes from Malaysia Airlines flight M17 has been handed over to Malaysian authorities, will lead to many questions about what information they have to offer. The two recorders have…
It’s tough out there. EPA/Yoan Valat

Explainer: how to win a Tour de France sprint

The final dash to the line in a Tour de France sprint finish may appear to the bystander to be a mess of bodies trying to cram into the width of a road, but there is a high degree of strategy involved…
Vertical farms: coming to a street near you? Matthew Humphreys, University of Nottingham

Vertical farms offer a bright future for hungry cities

The 21st century has seen rapid urbanisation and the global population is now expected to grow to more than 8.3 billion by 2050. Currently, 800m hectares – 38% of the earth’s land surface – is farmed and…