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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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You are what you eat off. Smart design is being developed now Aestheticodes

Small businesses could save reputation of digital services

The recently published Information Economy Strategy is a welcome recognition of the increasing importance of digital in all aspects of the economy and a call to action to bolster skills and infrastructure…
A microscopic version of this kills bacteria. Ed Schipul

Silver bullets kill bacteria, not werewolves or witches

The use of silver in medicine is as old as western medicine itself. Hippocrates is known to have used it to treat ulcers and wounds, the Romans almost certainly knew of its healing properties, its use…
It’s not just oil that these rigs extract. Sometimes they reveal life quite alien to us. Nepenthes

Microbes living deep under the sea reveal the extremes of life

Over the past 20 years, research has revealed large populations of creatures living many miles below the Earth’s surface. Now, a new study published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports conducted by…
Social media provides new ways for journals and scientists to interact. Scientists should take an active role in shaping this exchange. Noura

Social media is shaping dialogue between scientists and journals

More and more scientists are communicating via social media to find, publicise and discuss current research. This trend has been highlighted in two recent papers that look at the influence of social media…
This fungus is pretty harmless, but its tiny cousins are not. Bart Everson

The disease-causing fungi that lurk in your dishwasher

Researchers have found that dishwashers are particularly conducive to the growth and spread of disease-causing fungi. These fungi have been implicated in causing lung diseases and sometimes fatal infections…
At least I’m not French … oh, wait. Mark Richards/PA

Will-I-Am Indian, but does it matter?

The front-page of The Times carried a story today that William could be “Britain’s first king to have proven Indian ancestry”. The story continues inside, along with an advert for the personal DNA testing…
The Times claimed today that Prince William has Indian ancestors. Vincent Lyon-Dalberg-Acton

Attention The Times: Prince William’s DNA is not a toy

An ancestor of Prince William’s from the 19th century was half Indian, according to The Times. This claim is based on analysis of his distant cousins’ DNA. We have such technology today, but how comfortable…
Software is taken for granted, but remember it allows you to make full use of the hardware. Museum of Science, Boston

Cough up money for software or fall behind in science ranks

Scientific infrastructure is big news. The Large Hadron Collider, based at CERN, has been a success not just in the field of particle physics, but as a scientific cultural icon. The UK wants a piece of…
The decline of this Indian vulture species has costed the economy $30 billion. Bharat Balasubramanian

Neither the charismatic nor the iconic: rethinking conservation

The rate of extinction of species today is many thousand times the natural rate. There are even examples that such loss can have serious impact on humans. So a critical question is: what is the role species…
In its 10th year of operation, this rover on Mars is still finding important results. NASA JPL

Ageing rover finds evidence for an early ocean on Mars

After almost a decade of exploring the surface of Mars, American space agency’s rover has found the strongest evidence yet for the presence of water on the red planet. The data comes from the rock “Esperance…
Edward Snowden was thinking of leaking secret documents for many years. David Cheskin/PA

Treat NSA leaks with care, national security is on the line

The past week has seen some extraordinary allegations that the US National Security Agency (NSA) was intercepting all online communications. It is also alleged that the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters…
The public needs to be convinced its money is being spent wisely. TEDxBrainport

Scientists need to prove their research is worth it

Plato said true philosophers are “those who love to see the truth” – a desire to seek and expose fundamental knowledge. For most scientists, the search for truth, otherwise known as fundamental or basic…
There is hope that Xi Jinping could help usher in a new era of cyber-collaboration. PA

Cyber-security a key issue for US-China presidential summit

US President Barack Obama hopes to lay the foundations for a long-term relationship when he meets Xi Jinping, China’s new president, for a two-day summit in Southern California on Friday. Obama has a difficult…
Feeling fruity: the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum forms ‘fruiting bodies’ Robin Williams

Want a new epilepsy drug? Bring on the amoebas

Many therapeutic drugs and toxins affect us without us knowing exactly how. We know, for example, that Epilim, or sodium valproate, one of the most highly prescribed medicines for epilepsy can prevent…
Sue the straw-scientist, big corporations. Emilio Labrador

The Defamation Act hasn’t done enough for scientists

Scientists are rarely happy in UK’s libel courts. The threat to science from the UK defamation law is not so much that scientific publications have regularly been held to be libellous, but the distraction…
Ok, so you don’t actually have to wear a mask. Frédéric Bisson

Mask up to keep your data safe online

In May, the US Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records from reporters of the Associated Press (AP), a multinational non-profit news agency. AP’s chief executive Gary Pruitt…
I’m 110 and still going strong. Nuno Cruz

Lust for life: breaking the 120-year barrier in human ageing

In rich countries, more than 80% of the population today will survive past the age of 70. About 150 years ago, only 20% did. In all this while, though, only one person lived beyond the age of 120. This…
Mark Graham

Wikipedia wars tie tongues around the globe

Wikipedia, the collection of 37 million articles that anyone can edit, is defined by conflict. The ability for anyone to shape this global repository of knowledge inevitably means that we are presented…
Lonesome no more. George died on 24 June 2012. A.Davey

Stop singletons becoming endlings to save ecosystems

There can be few words as poignant as “endling”, the name given to the last surviving individual of a species. The picture (below) of Benjamin, the last Tasmanian tiger or thylacine, is heartbreaking…