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Articles on UK politics

Displaying 1501 - 1520 of 1670 articles

Part of the reason we’ve lost faith in politicians, perhaps? ITV

Armando Ianucci is a hypocrite for demanding Britons vote

Armando Iannucci, the man who gave us The Thick of It and Veep, has just called on Britons to make sure they vote in the upcoming general election. Iannucci points out, rightly, that politicians only notice…
This house has seen some corkers over the years. davidesimonetti/Flickr

Britain’s seven greatest general elections since 1945

General elections are the great democratic leveller. Every citizen – however wealthy, educated or interested – gets an opportunity to pass judgement on the performance of the government and the direction…
Everything is cool when you’re part of a team. Norio Nakayama

What happens when you try to hack the constitution?

As we celebrate 800 years since the signing of the Magna Carta, many believe that it is time British values were clarified in a codified document for our age. The place to define them could be in a written…
Voters are packing their bags and leaving the middle ground. Rawpixel/Shutterstock

Playing it safe could make Labour and Tories sorry

The current predictions for the 2015 election place Conservatives and Labour neck and neck with projections of around 280 seats each. The most likely outcome of the general election would seem to be another…
Young people are dissatisfied and disengaged, but they’re not the only ones. Dominic Harris/PA Wire/Press Association Images

After Greece, the UK is next in line for an electoral shake-up

We are becoming very familiar with repeated warnings that citizens in Britain are increasingly disillusioned with democratic politics, rejecting the institutions of national government, and leaving British…
Leanne Wood will lead Plaid Cymru into key electoral battles this year and next. Nick Ansell/PA Wire

Can Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru turn its fortunes around?

The nationalist agenda has sprung to the fore in UK politics over the past few years – largely due to Scotland’s referendum in 2014 putting independence firmly on the agenda. Both the Scottish National…
Looking sheepish: Churchill addresses the Tories after the 1945 loss. PA

How Winston Churchill lost the 1945 election

Winston Churchill is remembered as a highly successful politician, but his record at the ballot box was far more chequered than many might think. Churchill, in fact, failed to win a seat in five of the…

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