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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 4276 - 4300 of 5177 articles

These South Sudanese soldiers are among those accused of rape, torture, killing and looting during an attack on aid workers. AP Photo/Bullen Chol

Aid workers face an underreported sexual violence crisis

Who is responsible for this problem? Research indicates that it’s often the victims’ own colleagues, and that aid agencies don’t do enough to stop it.
Merkel consider her options after meeting with Trump on May 26, 2017, in Italy. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Trump to Europe: You’re on your own

For more than seven decades, US presidents have encouraged peace in Europe. Trump seems eager to toss that legacy aside. Here’s what is at stake.
On June 1, 2017, Donald Trump announced that the United States is leaving the Paris climate accord. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

The end of America’s global leadership?

American presidents have spent a great deal of time proclaiming US leadership of the global system. The decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement undermines much of what they have said.
Ninety percent of the protesters at the Women’s March on Washington voted for Hillary Clinton. Liz Lemon/Flickr

The demographics of the #resistance

Who are those people out there marching on Washington, DC? Researchers at the University of Maryland did a survey to find out.
The number of men married to each other who have children is rising following legal rulings about marriage equality. Shutterstock

How families with 2 dads raise their kids

Research reveals few differences between the parenting of gay men and their straight peers. But it looks like gay fathers could be more apt to volunteer at their children’s schools.
World leaders met in Brussels for the NATO Summit 2017. AP Photo/Matt Dunham, Poo

When Trump met NATO: Blunt talk and meaningful silences

Candidate Donald Trump called NATO ‘obsolete.’ Since becoming president he has reversed that view, but what he said – and didn’t say – during his recent visit will not have put NATO leaders at ease.
President Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy on Dec. 15, 1961. White House Photographs

JFK at 100: Why we still cherish his memory

John Fitzgerald Kennedy consistently ranks as one of America’s most popular leaders. A presidential historian argues that didn’t just happen – it was the result of an effort to create an image.
Manchester, England, May 23, 2017, the day after the suicide attack at an Ariana Grande concert that left 22 people dead. AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth

How social ties make us resilient to trauma

In the wake of the suicide bombing in Manchester, England, an expert on social networks explains why ties to other people help societies recover from traumatic events.