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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 4326 - 4350 of 5177 articles

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks to law enforcement officers in St. Louis. REUTERS/Lawrence Bryant

How crossing the US-Mexico border became a crime

Trump’s administration plans to ramp up prosecution of unauthorized border crossings. Here’s the story of how it became illegal in the first place.
Tech billionaire Sean Parker and his wife Alexandra Lenas Parker are among today’s youngest and most ambitious donors. Rich Fury/Invision/AP Photo

Should the giving styles of the rich and famous alarm us all?

In ‘The Givers,’ author David Callahan warns that today’s mega-rich philanthropists wield too much political clout. He may be exaggerating their power and lowballing the public’s own strength.
Most U.S. environmental organizations are less diverse than this group of Californian environmental justice leaders. Brooke Anderson/CEJA

Why environmental groups need more volunteers of color

How could green groups attract more diverse volunteers? Maybe they could put more time and energy into outreach toward the people most affected by environmental injustices.
British Prime Minister Theresa May called on Tuesday for an early election. REUTERS/Toby Melville

Theresa May’s snap election gamble, explained

Wondering how the U.K. government can just decide to dissolve itself and call for a general election? As our expert explains, it’s not uncommon.
A man has his fingerprints scanned by a U.S. Border Patrol agent while others wait their turn. Reuters/Jeff Topping

Is the US immigration court system broken?

The system is backlogged and inefficient. Trump’s commitment to strict immigration enforcement will likely make the problem worse.
Popular candidates for the 2017 presidential election (from left): Fillon, Macron, Melenchon, Le Pen and Hamon get ready to debate on March 20, 2017. REUTERS/Patrick Kovarik

Six questions about the French elections

Get up to speed before the first round of voting on April 23.
Rally against Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro’s government in Caracas, Venezuela. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

Venezuela has lost its democratic facade

Rather than an outright coup, Venezuela’s government has slowly eroded its democratic institutions and processes, until now.
Herder Ahmed Haji waters his goats. AP Photo/Ben Curtis

Three reasons for optimism in Somalia

According to 2016 rankings, Somalia is the most fragile state in the world, worse off even than Syria. But there are reasons to believe things will improve.