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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 4401 - 4425 of 5176 articles

Trump addresses a joint session of Congress on Feb. 28, 2017, as VP Mike Pence and House Speaker Paul Ryan applaud. Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool Image via AP

Trump’s address to Congress: Expert reaction

Three scholars grade Trump’s first address to Congress. How did he do on Obamacare? What would his ‘merit-based’ immigration proposal mean? And can he play nice with others
Tyler Oakley speaking in California. Gage Skidmore/flickr

How social media stars are fighting for the Left

Content creators with millions of fans are increasingly willing to voice their political views. Their influence on American politics may be in its infancy but it is growing fast.
The view from Wyoming County, Pennsylvania. Cropped from nicholas_t/flickr

Where is ‘rural America,’ and what does it look like?

‘Rural America’ is a deceptively simple term for a remarkably diverse collection of places. Understanding – and improving – these parts of the country is critical for all Americans.
A protester against President Trump’s immigration policy and a Trump supporter in New York City. REUTERS/Stephanie Keith

Refugees: Is there room for a middle ground?

Data since 1950s show Americans have always been wary of refugees. A public opinion expert explains current attitudes toward Syrian refugees and what it means for building consensus on policy.
Protestors at the University of California, Berkeley campus oppose the appearance of Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos. AP Photo/Ben Margot

Berkeley, Milo Yiannopoulos and the lessons of free speech

UC Berkeley had a duty to protect the free speech of right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos and those protesting his appearance. But what are the limits of free speech when it comes to campus safety?