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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

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Italian Premier Matteo Renzi acknowledges defeat in a constitutional referendum and announces he will resign on Dec. 5. AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia

The Italian referendum: No Trump nor Brexit

The Italians have rejected Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s constitutional reform package. Now the real struggle for Italy begins.
A woman waits behind a Cuban flag for the arrival of Fidel Castro’s funeral procession in Esperanza, Cuba. AP Photos/Natacha Pisarenko

Religion shapes Cuba despite Castro’s influence

Under Fidel Castro, Cuba declared itself as an atheist state. Castro’s relationship with religion, however, was far more complex. It left a deep impact on the religious identity of Cuba.
What if this was our choice on Election Day? AP Photos/Gary Landers and Paul Sancya

How majority voting betrayed voters again in 2016

In this year’s election, the system of majority voting didn’t allow voters to express their opinions adequately. If they had, the choice would have been between Kasich and Sanders.
Trump’s victory may accelerate the ‘attack on the middle class.’ Reuters/Rebecca Cook

Why America’s labor unions are about to die

Labor’s decline has steadily eroded the prospects of working-class Americans, fueling the backlash that propelled Trump. His election, however, will likely deliver unions a knockout punch, hurting his supporters most.
A woman holding a picture of Castro and Chavez waits to pay homage to Castro in Havana on Nov. 28, 2016. AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan

Questions I never got to ask Fidel Castro

A former British ambassador to Cuba, now a professor at Boston University, still has a few questions for the late Cuban leader.
Incumbent Rep. Barbara Comstock, R-Va., won reelection. AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File

Why the Democrats won’t win the House in 2018

State legislators in 18 states are intentionally drawing congressional boundaries to favor their party, according to experts who ran thousands of simulations using open-source mapping software.
Megyn Kelly during a Republican presidential primary debate in Iowa, January 2016. AP Photo/Chris Carlson, File

How common are sexual harassment and rape in the United States?

Megyn Kelly’s account of Fox News Chief Roger Ailes’ sexually predatory behavior has put harassment back in headlines. Can public debate on this issue make a difference?
Accepting grief is important for moving toward hope. Shanon Wise

Why there is no healing without grief

After Donald Trump’s victory, a scholar says the biblical prophets can help show us the way forward: Just as there is no peace without justice, there is no healing without grief.
Senator-elect Todd Young, R-Indiana, thanks supporters after winning his race at an election night rally in Indianapolis. AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Democrats failed to gain a Senate majority, too

Hopes among Democrats of gaining a majority in the Senate were dashed. Here’s what a narrow Republican majority might mean moving forward.