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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 4701 - 4725 of 5150 articles

Before there was E10, in the 1970s there was ‘gasohol,’ another name for gasoline that had been blended with ethanol. eklektikos/flickr

Corn ethanol: the rise and fall of a political force

Ted Cruz opposes subsidies for biofuels and still managed to win in ethanol-friendly Iowa. Is corn ethanol starting to lose its political clout?
EU and Polish flags together at anti-government demonstration in Warsaw. Kacper Pempel/Reuters

Europe has lost its Polish anchor

After years of being hailed as the shining example of post-Communist success, Poland is being depicted going ‘backward.’ What happened? And why is this significant for Europe?
Donald Trump speaks at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. REUTERS/Randall Hill. REUTERS/Randall Hill

Demagogues in history: Why Trump emphasizes emotion over facts

Insults are tossed about in an election year but the word “demagogue” has a particular bite. But what is a demagogue and how do the 2016 candidates compare with demagogues in history?
Volunteers prepare to canvass in support of Oregon’s Measure 91, a ballot initiative that legalized recreational marijuana in Oregon. REUTERS/Steve Dipaola

Direct democracy may be key to a happier American democracy

Data shows that voters organizing ballot initiatives on issues like marijuana use and plastic bag bans are doing more than creating DIY laws – they are spreading happiness.
Children in the U.S. foster care system can languish for years. Pixaby

The hidden harms of the US foster-care system

When a child dies from neglect or maltreatment from parents, outraged observers demand at-risk kids be placed in foster care. But the US foster care system can pose risks for children, too.
Members of various militia groups met in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. One dressed as a Continental army officer. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart

The Bundys think they are preserving democracy by occupying Oregon’s Malheur refuge, but they are undermining it

The notion of civil rebellion – like the one at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge – is at the heart of the Second Amendment. But so is the idea that such rebellions should not be undertaken lightly.
Liam Neeson rushes to save his daughter in Taken. 20th Century Fox

Movies and myths about human trafficking

Popular movies are spreading misinformation about the reality of human trafficking. That’s a problem because only good information can help us end the practice.
Demonstrators confront police officers in Chicago after Laquan McDonald was fatally shot. REUTERS/Andrew Nelles

U.S. laws protect police, while endangering civilians

Donald Trump is wrong when he says: “The police are the most mistreated people in this country.” In fact, American police officers killed more people in 2015 than ever before.
Trump and Cruz during the GOP debate, round 6. North Charleston, South Carolina January 14, 2016. REUTERS/Randall Hill

Four quotes from the sixth GOP presidential debate, explained by experts

Our panel of scholars listened to the sixth GOP debate with a critical ear and picked one quote to analyze.
Donald Trump answers a question from CNN moderator Wolf Blitzer. Mike Blake/Reuters

Why presidential debates need real-time fact-checking

With the presidential debates being derided as evidence we live in a “post-fact” political world, why aren’t the moderators “truth vigilantes”?
Negotiations between members of the United Nations Command and North Korean counterparts in 2013.

What is the right response to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test?

U.S. forces in South Korea are on high alert after North Korea claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb last week. But China may be better positioned to curb North Korea’s menacing behavior.
US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter leaves Israel with business undone. July 21, 2015. Carolyn Kaster/REUTERS

It’s too late for a two-state solution in Israel-Palestine

Demographic changes have made the idea of a two-state solution obsolete. The Israeli population is becoming more religious and more conservative. That makes the army more difficult to command.