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Articles on European Union (EU)

Displaying 1181 - 1200 of 1409 articles

Sailing illegally toward Europe Darrin Zammit Lupi/Reuters

Migrants at sea: the missing context

The headlines about thousands of migrants losing their lives at sea are shocking. But as news consumers we hear little about the context pushing these people to leave their homes.
London, the morning after the election. Stefan Wermuth/Reuters

Did Great Britain really just get less great?

The British election has come and gone, and the results have confounded the expectations of most pollsters. Words such as “historic,” “extraordinary” and “political earthquake” have been used to describe…
Would-be Europeans, survivors of a Mediterranean crossing gone wrong Darrin Zammit/Reuters

Influx of immigrants shines light on the darker side of Europe

German philosopher Jurgen Habermas once famously pronounced the European Union a force for good: A model for what he described as a “cosmopolitan world order.” The Nobel committee agreed and in 2012 awarded…
A refugee displays an image of one of his three children who drowned when the boat on which the family fled the war in Syria sank in the Mediterranean. EPA/Pete Muller

Something vital is missing from EU’s 10-point plan to stop deaths at sea

Political leaders have a ready culprit in people smugglers for drownings at sea. The problem is that this ignores responsibility for eliminating all other options for these people to avoid harm.

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