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Articles on Australia

Displaying 481 - 500 of 650 articles

People currently speak 7,000 languages around the globe. Michael Gavin

Why do human beings speak so many languages?

There’s little research into origins of the geographic patterns of language diversity. A new model exploring processes that shaped Australia’s language diversity provides a template for investigators.
The G20 displayed unprecedented global economic leadership in the past. That leadership is needed again today. Hannibal Hanschke/Reuters

The G20’s economic leadership deficit

The G20 has stopped showing economic leadership at a time when risks are high. Australia can play a role in addressing this.
The region with the most unequal incomes in Australia is Melbourne City, where the top 20% have an income that is 8.3 times as high as those in the bottom 20%. Dan Peled/AAP

What income inequality looks like across Australia

Census data shows there is income inequality between, but also within, regions of Australia.
An unfriendly workplace, lawsuits and resignations – what will it take for Australians to give up Uber?

Will Australians ever give up Uber?

Australians have a history of putting pragmatism over principle.
The NBN’s multi-technology mix seems unlikely to deliver the same internet quality to everyone. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Three charts on: the NBN and Australia’s digital divide

The National Broadband Network was meant to provide greater equity of digital access. So far, it’s not looking good.
The sun rises above Uluru in outback Australia. David Gray/Reuters

We need our country; our country needs us

‘Australian values’ have been mangled into meaninglessness by countless politicians. But there is an national character, shaped by the Australian land. New research investigates Outback values.
Hypothetical reconstruction of the largest extinct megapode, Progura gallinacea (right), with a modern Brush-turkey and a Grey Kangaroo. Artwork by E. Shute, from photos by Tony Rudd, Kim Benson and Aaron Camens

Tall turkeys and nuggety chickens: large ‘megapode’ birds once lived across Australia

Large birds once lived across Australia, only to become extinct around the time that giant marsupials and other megafauna died out during the Pleistocene “ice ages”.
Some people will find it harder than others to choose a new home care service provider to help with gardening or getting out and about. from

Seven steps to help you choose the right home care provider

Older Australians needing extra help at home with bathing or gardening can now choose who provides that service. So what do you need to know before choosing a new service for yourself or a family member?
The United States and Australia should abandon the TPP and focus their efforts on trade deals that take a prudent approach to market access. Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters

Why Trump is right, and wrong, about killing off the TPP

The United States and other countries are right to reject the TPP, but President-elect Donald Trump’s claims about it are misguided.

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