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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 5141 - 5160 of 6964 articles

Protesters gather outside the White House in Washington D.C. after President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the Unites States from the Paris climate change accord. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

China in climate driver’s seat after Trump rejects Paris

Action on climate change is now increasingly in China’s hands, and the decisions the country’s leaders make in the next decade will have a profound global impact.
Water mass enters the ocean from glaciers such as this along the Greenland coast. NASA/JPL-Caltech

Contributions to sea-level rise have increased by half since 1993, largely because of Greenland’s ice

Greenland’s ice is largely responsible for the accelerating pace of sea-level rise. A new analysis shows that, while Greenland accounted for just 5% of the rise in 1993, that figure rose to 25% by 2014.
Solar radiation management involves spraying tiny reflective particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect away some of the energy from the sun Shutterstock

Blocking out the sun to reduce global warming - an idea still in the making

Solar radiation management might be able to reduce some of the risks of global warming while countries get their emissions under control.
In 2013, pro-science supporters rallied before a Texas Board of Education public hearing on proposed new science textbooks. AP Photo/Eric Gay

30 years after Edwards v. Aguillard: Why creationism lingers in public schools

Thirty years after the Supreme Court ruled that creationism cannot be required in schools, ‘creation science’ is still taught in some schools. What are the implications for climate education?
Businesses can make up for inaction on climate by government by investing in energy and fuel efficiency. Walmart/flickr

Government action isn’t enough for climate change. The private sector can cut billions of tons of carbon

Without the private sector cutting carbon emissions – rather than just lobbying the government for action on climate – the world will never reach the temperature targets of the Paris Agreement.
A partial map of all the cities which pledge to fight climate change, with or without Donald Trump. Global Convenant of Mayors/Google Earth

How world cities moving forward on climate change leave the US President behind

Weeks after Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement, powerful US cities are asserting themselves like nation-states to maintain the pact made with the world to help save the planet.
Lake Powell, photographed April 12, 2017. The white ‘bathtub ring’ at the cliff base indicates how much higher the lake reached at its peak, nearly 100 feet above the current level. Patti Weeks

Climate change is shrinking the Colorado River

The Colorado River supplies water to millions of people and irrigates thousands of miles of farmland. New research warns that climate change is likely to magnify droughts in the Colorado Basin.

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