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Articles on Donald Trump

Displaying 2941 - 2960 of 3469 articles

Clockwise, from left: White nationalist William Pierce, domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh, white nationalist Richard Spencer, British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, professor Kevin MacDonald, and Breitbart News founder Andrew Breitbart. Nick Lehr/The Conversation

The seeds of the alt-right, America’s emergent right-wing populist movement

An academic who has studied the American far right explores whether the alt-right can become a sustained political force.
Students protesting on campus in Davis, California, following the election of Donald Trump. Max Whittaker/Reuters

What’s the history of sanctuary spaces and why do they matter?

Students and faculty are demanding universities declare themselves sanctuary campuses. Historically, sanctuary offered both legal and moral protection for the vulnerable.
A portrait of US President-elect Donald Trump guards a residential backyard in Iowa, complete with lights and security cameras. Tony Webster/flickr

Trump, the unspeakable and democracy in America

The better-to-do and the established of civil and political society have become complacent and deaf to ‘those at the bottom’. The working class has gone over to the right-wing populists.
Ostraka from classical Athens nominating the persons of Kallias and Megakles. Cycladic Art Museum, Athens, Greece/Wikimedia Commons

Lessons from ancient Athens: the art of exiling your enemies

For the first time in recent memory the possibility of imprisoning political rivals has entered the political discourse of a modern western election. But ostracism is an ancient democratic tradition that offers an alternative approach.
EPA personnel collect water samples along the Louisiana coast after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Eric Vance, US EPA/Flickr

Trump may reverse US climate policy but will have trouble dismantling EPA

President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to decimate the Environmental Protection Agency. But a political scientist predicts that while EPA will face budget cuts, the agency isn’t going anywhere.
French President François Hollande was among those who warned Donald Trump not to withdraw from the Paris climate deal. EPA/Mohamed Messara

Marrakech climate talks produced defiance towards Trump, but little else

The latest climate summit began the long slog towards putting the Paris Agreement into action. But it generated more questions than answers, particularly on how to handle a Trump-led United States.

Why woman-bashing is a serious health threat

Millions of women felt insulted by Donald Trump’s language toward women. Others overlooked it, seeing the female candidate as flawed. Here’s why this might suggest a growing health crisis for women.

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