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Articles on French politics

Displaying 81 - 98 of 98 articles

Under investigation. EPA/Maurizio Gamberini

Doubt for Lagarde’s leadership means doubt for the IMF

To have one leader investigated for serious misconduct may be regarded as misfortune; to have two come under investigation looks like carelessness. But the International Monetary Fund finds itself in that…
Rumours of an affair have raised Hollande’s dander. AP Photo/Francois Mori

Memo to Francois Hollande: no sex please, we’re French

Liberté, égalité, infidélité. The three stout pillars of the French constitution. Mitterrand, Chirac, Sarkozy, and now François Hollande: it’s a grand tradition – and if you tot their conquests up they…
Up Front: Marine Le Pen has softened the image of the FN. NdFrayssinet via Creative Commons

Far-right earthquake could be bigger than 2002 for France

For followers of British politics the narrative is familiar: populist right-wing party champions withdrawal from the European Union and a harder line on immigration and suddenly start pulling out remarkable…

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