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Articles on Homelessness

Displaying 181 - 200 of 294 articles

Dr Jim O'Connell and therapy dog Maestro spend some time with a client at the medical respite centre in Boston. Courtesy of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program

Hospital discharges to ‘no fixed address’ – here’s a much better way

Life on the street is no place to recover from a stay in hospital, but that’s what happens to many people who are homeless. But there’s a proven model to provide care that also cuts healthcare costs.
Cairns has an extensive CCTV network, which as well as keeping homeless people under surveillance is sometimes used to help them. Andreina Schoeberlein/Flickr

Turning ‘big brother’ surveillance into a helping hand to the homeless

Surveillance often results in people who are homeless being the target of enforcement measures. But a new study in Cairns shows surveillance can also be used to achieve more positive social outcomes.
A homeless man in Times Square. AP Photo/Julie Jacobson

Can Jeff Bezos help the homeless? 4 essential reads

With such an enormous challenge, where would it make sense to start? We looked into our archives for stories on what it would take to eradicate homelessness in the US today.
What do we really know about homelessness in the U.S.? Dmytro Zinkevych/

Busting 3 common myths about homelessness

Are most homeless mentally ill? Is it inevitable that a society will have homeless people? A researcher digs into the real data on homelessness.
Many homeless shelters are designed to house as many people as possible — not to empower them while they’re there. Reuters/Brian Snyder

Shelter design can help people recover from homelessness

Studies show that people’s environments influence their mood. The same is true of homeless shelters, which can either help or hurt residents’ psychological well-being — and, possibly, their futures.

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