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Articles on Housing

Displaying 521 - 540 of 835 articles

Retrofitting older homes to ‘green’ the nation’s housing stock involves much more than installing rooftop solar panels. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

The other 99%: retrofitting is the key to putting more Australians into eco-homes

While new buildings may be the glamorous eco-home pinups, retrofitting existing homes is the main game when it comes to creating energy-efficient, comfortable housing stock for all Australians.
Prime inner-city land, such as the Flemington estate, is being sold to developers to build new housing, but the public lacks basic details about these deals. Artist's impression, Victorian government

Governments have no excuse for keeping public in the dark on public housing deals

The Victorian government isn’t alone in seeking private partners to renew public housing. What is notable is its lack of transparency by comparison with such arrangements elsewhere.
Thousands of co-housing projects in cities around the world have shown how people can get together to create diverse homes that suit them and their community – this one is in Portland, Oregon. Kevin Turner/flickr

Supersized cities: residents band together to push back against speculative development pressures

City residents all around the world are getting together to create housing tailored to their needs and budgets, instead of being developed for maximum profit.
Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar has confirmed investments in affordable housing will be backed by a government guarantee. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Government guarantee opens investment highway to affordable housing

The Australian government has at last taken the lead in affordable housing policy with a package of measures that should attract institutional investors hungry for low-risk returns.
While people in WA might be spending less, there remains segments of the population that are vulnerable to intense cost of living pressures. shutterstock

Sydney the most expensive capital in Australia, Perth comes in fifth: new report

Households in NSW spend the most and WA households the least in Australia, but there are segments of WA who are feeling the bite more acutely in cost of living.
A real estate sold sign hangs in front of a west-end Toronto property. Canada’s newly announced housing strategy contains scant measures to help first-time buyers in pricey markets. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graeme Roy

No help for would-be homeowners in Canada’s new housing strategy

Canada’s National Housing Strategy leaves a large segment of the population that must find a way to afford housing in the private market. More initiatives are needed to help first-time home buyers.
Unless governments tackle the housing affordability crisis, the poorest Australians will fall further behind. AAP

Three charts on: poorer Australians bearing the brunt of rising housing costs

Rising housing costs are hurting low-income Australians the most. The gap in home ownership between rich and poor is widening, house prices are rising fastest at the bottom and rental stress is rising.

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