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Articles on Housing

Displaying 581 - 600 of 835 articles

Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle explains the revised Queen Victoria Market redevelopment, flanked by Planning Minister Richard Wynne and Premier Daniel Andrews. Joe Castro/AAP

Social mix in housing? One size doesn’t fit all, as new projects show

Mixing public and private housing in urban renewal projects can be a contentious business. But public good and optimal use of public resources, not developer interests, should guide such decisions.
Sun Brockie/flickr

Global series: Emerging Cities

Cities have always been more than a dense collection of people. They are labs of innovation, hotbeds of crime and inequality, architectural stunners, decaying ruins and everything in between.
Property is under threat, physically and conceptually, from climate change. .Martin./flickr

Can property survive the great climate transition?

To create property systems that are as dynamic as the landscapes we occupy, we might need to start thinking about ourselves as belonging to and answerable to the land, not the other way around.
Soft Landing recycles the materials of mattresses that otherwise get dumped in landfill. Alan Stanton/flickr

What ethical business can do to help make ecocities a reality

City dwellers are individually starting to do their bit to live sustainably. Now pioneering businesses are aiming to make ecological and social sustainability part of their bottom line.
Australian governments of all persuasions have shared three common beliefs about the economic value of home ownership in later life. shutterstock

Three reasons the government promotes home ownership for older Australians

The promotion of home ownership as a way of funding care in later life is part of a broader policy trend toward making people individually responsible for the opportunities they have.
A couple of months isn’t enough to say the housing market is cooling. AAP/ Tracey Nearmy

How to tell when the housing market is slowing

The housing market is too volatile to look at prices alone. If you want to understand the housing market you need to look at the wider economy.
At the Ashwood-Chadstone estate, Port Phillip Housing Association has built high-quality homes, with no visible difference between the 72 private and 206 community housing dwellings. PPHA

Community sector offers a solid platform for fair social housing

Concerns about the privatisation of public housing estates should not blind us to the benefits of the transfer of public housing to the not-for-profit community housing sector.
Unexpected increases in housing prices could have caused buyers considering home ownership to borrow more in order to buy a house, and encouraged homeowners to spend more through withdrawing the equity from their homes. Dan Peled/AAP

Australians are working longer so they can pay off their mortgage debt

Research finds higher levels of housing debt among pre-retirees are linked to them working for longer.
Slow but steady decline in home ownership continues as 23.6% of all Australian households now rent privately. David Gray/Reuters

Home ownership remains strong in Australia but it masks other problems: Census data

The latest 2016 Census data assesses what the national home ownership and rental rates are and how these vary location. It also gives us a picture of mortgage and rental costs.
Public housing tenants are much more likely than renters in other sectors to struggle to get repair and maintenance done. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Tenants’ calls for safe public housing fall on deaf ears

Grenfell Tower residents tragically got the world’s attention only after a disastrous fire. So what would public housing residents in Australia say about their living conditions?
How much of co-housing is shared space is up to residents.

Co-housing works well for older people, once they get past the image problem

Older Australians are keenly aware of the housing challenges they face, but most are wary of co-housing due to the negative associations of shared living spaces.
light bulbs.

What are digital social innovations?

Digital social innovations are often associated with positive meanings, like openness and collaboration. But to better define the concept, it’s essential to disentangle it from its positive aura.
Residents near the burnt-out Grenfell Tower display a sign that expresses their anger at being marginalised and ignored. Stefan Wermuth/Reuters

Grenfell Tower fire exposes the injustice of disasters

Marginal people become resourceless, invisible to public policies, and disempowered in public life. This increases their vulnerability to disaster.
The secure private garden on the redeveloped Carlton estate. Kate Shaw

Why should the state wriggle out of providing public housing?

Why can’t the state fund an ongoing program of upgrading, replacing and building public housing? On the evidence to date, private developers aren’t doing a better job of it.

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