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Articles on Liberal Democrats

Displaying 141 - 150 of 150 articles

Nick Clegg has more Facebook “likes” than David Cameron. David Cheskin/PA Wire

Five reasons to be miserable for the Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats are in trouble. The party appears to be engaged in a very public form of hari-kiri, accelerating its own political meltdown. The heady days of 23% polling and Cleggmania in 2010 seem…
Lord Rennard is fighting against claims. Cathal McNaughton/PA

Sexual harassment claims not a new problem for the Lib Dems

A few years ago I conducted a feminist analysis of the Liberal Democrats as my PhD thesis. During the research, people (both inside and outside of the party) would often say my project was “a bit niche…
UKIP if you want. Farage is not kipping. AP Photo/Virginia Mayo

Euro success for UKIP unlikely to translate to domestic arena

The election to the EU Parliament in May looks likely to be nothing short of a car-crash for Britain’s main political parties. The most recent poll by YouGov suggests UKIP is well-placed to poll in second…
Let me be clear. Because you’ll not be able to Google this later. Department for Culture Media and Sport

Tories forget how the internet works, deletegate reminds them

The 1996 election campaign that brought Bill Clinton to the White House fundamentally changed the way campaigns are run in more ways than one. Clinton’s success owed much to the genius of James Carville…
Oh, Come all ye faithful: Nick Clegg speaking to conference. David Cheskin/PA

Lib Dem conference: cracks remain despite show of unity

Three years after the Clegg-Cameron wedding in the rose garden at Number 10, the Lib Dem Conference this week in Glasgow has showed signs of the strain. Much as Clegg attempted to rally the troops by claiming…
Anyone still voting for us? You there, at the back… Stefan Rousseau/PA

Lib Dems brace for a Glasgow kiss at party conference

As the Liberal Democrats descend on Glasgow for their party conference their attention is firmly focused on the forthcoming general election. With an average polling of just 11% and forecasts predicting…
I’ve seen the future Nick, and it’s behind us. Stefan Wermuth

For Cameron and Clegg the cost of compromise is high

Compromise. It’s one of those Jekyll and Hyde verbs. Used actively, it’s a good thing - you want something; I want something different; we talk it over; we come to an arrangement; we compromise. Used passively…

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