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Articles on Sexual consent

Displaying 21 - 32 of 32 articles

The game’s players are able to customise their own storyline, which can then be ‘featured’ and shared with other players. The catch is, there’s more than 12 million creators - and the content isn’t exactly well-regulated. STEFANY LUNA DE LINZY /

Episode – Choose Your Story: the inappropriate game your kids have probably played

The mobile game has been downloaded more than 50 million times. If you have kids, they’ve probably played it. But it’s more problematic than most people realise.
Research from around the world shows that at least one in eight teens has had a sexually explicit image of themselves forwarded, without consent. (Shutterstock))

Why sexting must be on the curriculum

Sex-education curricula that openly discuss sexting, consent and other online behaviours have never been more important for teens – in Ontario and globally.
By the time young people get to university, it’s far too late to be initiating education on sexual consent. Shutterstock

Making sexual consent matter: one-off courses are unlikely to help

Some Australian universities have introduced a one-off sexual consent program to combat sexual assault and harassment on campus, but one-off programs are unlikely to be effective in the long term.

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