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Articles on Smartphones

Displaying 301 - 313 of 313 articles

Consumers are excited about the launch of the iPhone 5S - but the pricing game means bargains are unlikely. AAP

In the game of iPhone pricing, consumers are the losers

Game theory is a branch of strategic decision making that tries to predict how players in any strategic game are likely to act. It can be applied in many situations and it can also help to explain what…
Syncing a smartphone with your computer can provide external access to your data. Stephan Geyer

Another NSA entry point – and this time, it’s your smartphone

The US National Security Agency (NSA) leaks just keep coming. Only a few days after details of its software anti-cryptography hacks were exposed by The Guardian, New York Times and ProPublica, German news…
The public Wi-Fi landscape in Australia is comparatively barren. michmutters

Better public Wi-Fi in Australia? Let’s send a signal

You may have seen recent reports that London’s Oxford Street has the greatest density of Wi-Fi in Europe - with a quarter of that being complimentary - and almost a third of Wi-Fi hotspots in the US are…
Google’s annual conference has offered bells and whistles, and the same old causes for alarm. John G Mabanglo/EPA

Google I/O 2013: five things you need to know

Yesterday saw the end of the first day of Google’s three-day developer-focused conference Google I/O in San Francisco. And for consumers, there was plenty on offer. The annual Google fest is popular…
Mining for rare earth elements is taking China down the track to environmental degradation. Göran Höglund (Kartläsarn)/Flickr

Has the western world exported cancer to China?

Environmental pollution is currently a white-hot topic in China, but what if western consumers are driving the issue? A storm of activity recently occurred on Sina Weibo, triggered by reports that industries…
Eye tracking is already here, but looks set to become more prevalent in our lives. rAmmoRRison

The Samsung Galaxy S4 and eye-tracking – looking forwards

The launch of the Samsung Galaxy S4 last month garnered the type of media attention we’re getting used to for any new smartphone. Among the most talked-about feature pre-launch was “eye tracking” – the…
Students work wirelessly on computers at Arthur Phillip High School at Parramatta in Sydney. AAP/Alan Porritt

Patently Australian: CSIRO settles suits over Wi-Fi

Australia’s national science agency will receive $220m after settling litigation against three US companies to license the wireless local area network (WLAN) technology it invented in the early 1990s…
You might not be getting enough shut-eye (and you may not even know it). orangeacid

Dream appzzz: can the iPhone help you sleep?

Sleep matters – and yet many of us know how difficult it can be to get enough unbroken slumber. Research has shown that getting less than seven to eight hours’ sleep daily is associated with increased…
Ever had the sense someone’s watching over your shoulder? Nick Chill Photography

Carrier IQ knows everything you do on your phone … but why?

What if you used your smartphone, knowing you might be sharing certain information, but had no idea what exactly was being shared? Or why you might be sharing it? If you knew someone could be recording…
The idea that Australians work longer hours than workers from other countries is a myth. Flickr/hongoxl

Time after time: the myth that Australians work longer hours than anyone else

Many economic and social commentators, including the University of Canberra’s Josh Fear on The Conversation yesterday, continue to express concern about the number of hours many Australians spend doing…

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