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Articles on Transgender rights

Displaying 1 - 20 of 39 articles

A woman speaks during a candlelight vigil for 16-year-old nonbinary student Nex Benedict on Feb. 24, 2024, in Oklahoma City. J Pat Carter/Getty Images

Nex Benedict’s suicide coincides with a wave of anti-LGBTQ+ laws – and some people’s misunderstanding about transgender and nonbinary individuals

As states and local school boards in some places continue to pass anti-LGBTQ+ rights legislation and policies, hate crimes against young LGBTQ+ people have also increased.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shakes hands with New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh as Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre looks on at a Tamil heritage month reception in January 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Educated voters in Canada tend to vote for left-leaning parties while richer voters go right

Does the ‘diploma divide’ make politics more about culture than economic inequality?
A pride flag flies in front of the temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City during a 2015 protest against church policy toward same-sex couples. George Frey/Getty Images

What’s going on with the wave of GOP bills about trans teens? Utah provides clues

The relationship between faith, politics and LGBTQ rights is more complicated than it can appear at first glance.
The rights of transgender people are often in dispute, including in schools. AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

Rights of transgender students and their parents are a challenge for schools, courts

Parents have a general right to know about their children’s activities in school, but that can be limited by students’ rights to privacy and personal safety.
Members of the Association of Transgender and Hijra at Bengal light a lamp to mark Transgender Day of Bengal in Kolkata, India, in 2017. AP Photo/Bikas Das

Transgender women are finding some respect in India, but a traditional gender-nonconforming group – hijras – remains stigmatized

A sociologist explains that the ability to claim transgender identities in India may appear progressive, but this can further marginalize historically stigmatized gender-nonconforming groups.

Yes, words can harm young trans people. Here’s what we can do to help

Trans young people flourish with support from family, friends, and the broader community. Future commentary about trans young people’s rights needs to take this into account.

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