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Health – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 6526 - 6550 of 8091 articles

News of a potential adverse link with prostate cancer comes at a time when the public is heeding the message that the omega-3s derived from marine sources are beneficial. Sam Catch/Flickr

Are fish oil supplements putting you at risk of prostate cancer?

A report published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute late last week shows a potential link between omega-3 fatty acids and the risk of developing prostate cancer. But it may be premature…
An American neuroscientist claims that the key to free will lies in how neurons can rewire each other. blackham

Is free will a scientific problem?

An American neuroscientist claims to have solved the problem of free will. Peter Tse, who works at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, says that the key to free will lies in how neurons can rewire each…
It is estimated that five Australian children are taken to emergency rooms every week after swallowing button batteries. Shutterstock

We are not doing enough to make button batteries safe

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) is working with manufacturers and the industry to improve battery safety after the recent death of a toddler who swallowed a lithium button battery…
Australia has strong cultural barriers to looking at the legal status of cannabis and alcohol in the same frame. Elvert Barnes

Could a regulated cannabis market help curb Australia’s drinking problem?

Alcohol is a serious problem in Australia, both on the weekend streets and more widely behind the closed doors. It’s time we started a conversation about what can be done to help, and we should consider…
New research shows that deception is not necessary for a placebo to work its magic. Cupcake Heart/Flickr

Using placebo in medical practice – an ethical conundrum

Social entrepreneur Daniel Jacobs raised US$50,000 to develop a “placebo” iPhone app that he says will help people make positive changes in their lives for health, joy and love. No deception is involved…
In the latest doping scandal, the second-fastest runner of all time, Tyson Gay, has tested positive for a banned substance. PATRICK SORQUIST/AAP

Legalise doping or lose the spectacle of sport

Sport, at both international and local levels, seems to constantly be in a doping crisis. It may be time to consider legalising performance enhancers because zero tolerance is clearly not working. This…
The anopheles albimanus mosquito is a vector of malaria, predominantly in Central America. Wikimedia Commons

New type of vaccine could beat all strains of malaria

A new type of malaria vaccine that has been shown to be safe in mice is about to start trials in humans. This promising vaccine is different to other approaches to stopping the deadly disease because we…
When parents focus intently on their child’s success, sometimes they can miss out on important life lessons. Gladskikh Tatiana/Shutterstock

Helicopter, snowplow or free range – what’s your parenting style?

It used to be said that the difficulty with parenting is that no-one gives you a manual, but you could argue that adage is no longer true. From “tiger mums” to “attachment parents”, countless manifestos…
There are currently no palliative care services for infants facing certain death. Shutterstock

We need palliative care for babies facing certain death

In Australia, there are approximately 1,200 infants who die every year before their first birthday, most in the first days or weeks of life. But there are no palliative care services available to these…
There could be good moral reasons to reject an opt-out organ donation system, but we’d better be clear about what they are. Shutterstock

Opt-out organ donation in Wales: a model for Australia?

The National Assembly of Wales has legislated to introduce an “opt-out” system for human organ and tissue transplantation, which will come into effect in 2015. In doing so, Wales joins a host of other…
When daily stressors intensify and prevent good quality sleep, they can set off a downward spiral to poor mental health. Shutterstock

Chill out: disturbed sleep plays havoc with your mood and mind

A poll by Lifeline released earlier this week shows almost two-thirds of Australians reported sleep loss because of stress relating to work or their finances. The findings went largely unremarked, even…
Women with an uncomplicated pregnancy should get 30 to 45 minutes of exercise three to five times a week. Image from

A guide to exercise during pregnancy

In the past, pregnant women were discouraged from exercise. Pregnancy was seen as a time to put your feet up and take it easy. But this historical view of pregnancy was very much based on cultural and…
Australian men are less likely than women to have essential social contact. Image from

Don’t be fooled, loneliness affects men too

A recent article by Jean Hannah Edelstein featured in Fairfax’s Daily Life website examines the impact of loneliness on health. Edelstein is right that loneliness exacerbates ill health and shortens life…
Excessive exercise places a significant load on the heart that can result in temporary reductions in function. Ian Hunter

Rest up! Too much exercise could send you to an early grave

Exercise is said to foster better health and well-being as well as increasing life expectancy. But you can have too much of a good thing, it seems, as evidence shows that there may an optimal level of…
People who hear voices can still lead a functional, productive and meaningful life. Image from

Beyond madness: a modern approach to hearing voices

Four years ago, a woman came to speak to my third year psychology class at the University of Auckland. Her story completely changed the way I thought about voice-hearing. Like most people, I associated…
Plants located in your home or office are beneficial to your health in more ways than you might think. Miss Monk

Clearing the air: the hidden wonders of indoor plants

It may come as a surprise but air pollution levels indoors are almost always higher than outside, even in busy city centres. Even more surprising is that indoor plants have the ability to mitigate high…
Dove asks women to accept the myth that there is such a thing as ‘real beauty’ and that achieving it is important for women. Flickr/bru_m

A brand for social change? The myth of Dove’s ‘real beauty’

Why do women hate to have their picture taken? That’s the question Dove, the global beauty brand, asks in its latest advertisement. The video – see below – is part of Dove’s campaign for “real beauty…
How babies are introduced to solids may have an impact on their future health. Gail/Flickr

Baby-led weaning: food and the minefield of parenting advice

Parents are bombarded with information about how best to raise their children, often coupled with the threat of nasties, such as childhood obesity and developing neuroses, if they choose not to follow…
The failure to account for significant social and cultural differences throws doubt on the study’s results. Shutterstock

Birth defect risk for children of first cousins is overstated

Research about the impact of marriage between first cousins on rates of birth defects garnered much media attention when it was published late last week. Sadly, most of the coverage worked to alarm rather…
We wanted to know how children spent their time in the absence of video games and whether ‘active’ video games were the better option. bradimmanuel/Flickr

On the move: video games and children’s activity levels

Passive pastimes such as watching television and playing video games are often the easy option for parents but not necessarily good for their children. But is the solution “active” video games that the…
Borderline personality disorder is characterised by problems regulating emotions and thoughts. Image from

Explainer: what is borderline personality disorder?

We all possess a unique set of personality traits that make us who we are. These are the usual ways we perceive, think, feel, behave and relate to others, and they tend to be consistent across time and…
The growing gap between rich and poor in Australia puts the country on the road to the level of inequality in the United States. Robt Gossard/Flickr

Inequality, health and well-being: time for a national debate

The launch this week of his new book Battlers and Billionaires: The Story Of Inequality in Australia, by parliamentarian and economist Andrew Leigh, raises a question about whether the issue of growing…
About 80% of people who have asthma also have hay fever or eczema. Image from

Genetics of allergies is nothing to sneeze at

We’ve long known that allergies such as eczema, hay fever and asthma are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. But we’ve been unclear about which genes are responsible. This week…
Data will allow us to monitor the quality, safety and access to abortion across the country. datalicious/flickr

Finally, greater access to RU486 – now let’s collect abortion data

Medical abortions will finally be easily available to Australian women when the drug RU486 (mifepristone and misoprostol) is listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) from August 1, 2013. But…
Mitochondrial genes are inherited from our mothers’ eggs and passed on through her daughters to subsequent generations. Shutterstock

Meet mama, papa and mama: how three-parent IVF works

The UK government has announced its intention to draft proposals allowing carriers of mitochondrial disease to have babies using a controversial IVF treatment that’s currently prohibited. The procedure…