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Peter Dutton and his supporters do not want Liberal MPs to disperse late Thursday without a vote, fearing a loss of momentum for his campaign. Lukas Coch/AAP

Dutton camp presses for quick second leadership ballot

Rumours circulated last night about the number of names that had been gathered for the petition for the meeting, which requires 43 signatures.
With Victoria the main obstacle, Frydenberg said: ‘It’s time Daniel Andrews stopped walking both sides of the street and put the interests of Victorians first and the businesses of Victorians first.’ Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull beats Abbott over NEG, now Frydenberg has to win Victoria

Tuesday’s party room mood reflected the sense most Coalition MPs have that to save marginal seats and give the government its best chance of survival, they need to unite behind Turnbull.
The Conversation publishes analysis and stories written by academics with a current university affiliation. from

Who writes science and technology stories? More men than women

If you already write for The Conversation, thank you! But less than 30% of story pitches to our Science and Technology section come from women.
Both Abbott and former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce have flagged they could cross the floor on the emissions reduction legislation. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Abbott and Turnbull shape up for another round of an old battle

The Coalition party room on Tuesday is set for a high stakes, quite personal battle between Abbott and Turnbull over the NEG, with former and current prime ministers shaping up on Monday.
Husar said in a statement: “This is a very sad day for me.” Mick Tsikas/AAP

Emma Husar falls on her sword

Labor MP Emma Husar has bowed to the inevitable and announced she will not contest next year’s election – although she plans to stay in parliament until then.
Frydenberg said: “Never before has there been an energy policy that has attracted such broad support.” Alex Murray/AAP

Victoria says it won’t sign up to the NEG without concessions

Meanwhile, underlining that next week will see a tough internal debate, Liberal backbencher Tony Pasin has contradicted Malcolm Turnbull’s statement that the NEG had already been endorsed by the party room.