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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5101 - 5125 of 6586 articles

HG Wells (left) with actors on the set of Things to Come, a 1936 adaptation of his futuristic novel. James Vaughan

Cinema classics: five of the best science and technology films

Cinema did not emerge from a eureka moment, but rather through the incremental innovations of pioneers such as the Lumière brothers, Étienne-Jules Marey and Thomas Edison. So it is unsurprising that filmmakers…
Nuclear power and nuclear weapons: what’s the difference? Patrik Hermansson

Debunking myths on nuclear power (it’s not for making bombs)

It is the received wisdom that nuclear weapons and nuclear power are inseparable. Consequently, any country that builds a civilian nuclear power station is able to build an atomic bomb within a couple…
2013 was a big year for cycling with articles on the 100th Tour de France, doping scandals, running reds and the age-old helmet debate. Ben Cooper

2013, the year that was: Science + Technology

You can cram a lot of knowledge into 12 months. Since this time last year we’ve learnt that bees, like people, have a “too-hard basket”; how dinosaur necks got so long; that, in theory, it’s possible to…
Personal data stored on social media platforms, including photos and chat messages, are vulnerable to a range of threats. Flickr: papalamour

How safe are your online memories?

How many of your cherished memories, and even important work documents, only exist online? Taken together, photo and video sharing sites, blogging and microblogging sites, as well as social media, have…
Heritability: how much do your genes impact your traits? Jenn Durfey

Explainer: what is heritability?

Schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder and autism have all had recent attention for being “genetically caused”. In scientific research being genetically caused usually corresponds to having a high…
In only a little more than a decade, Creative Commons has been implemented by more than 60 countries. opensourceway/Flickr

Explainer: Creative Commons

The digital age has presented many and diverse challenges for copyright law. The rapid uptake of digital, networked technologies led to widespread online distribution of content, as well as the emergence…
New privacy rules are coming, and Australian websites will have to smarten up their act.

Value your privacy? Few Australian websites do

On March 12 2014, the way Australian organisations will have to handle online privacy is going to change significantly. We investigated whether these organisations are ready and found in most cases, they’re…
With so many choices ‘below the line’ how are voters confident they’ve ranked candidates correctly? AAP/Dean Lewins

Humans struggle with decisions – why make elections so difficult?

It’s been a crazy year for decision making. Not only did we have an election, we now have the threat of a double dissolution if the Federal Senate keeps knocking back bills from the House of Representatives…
Is the digital world making communication easier or harder? Envato

Does Skype help or hinder communication?

Speech is the one of the most important forms of communication between humans. The internet has opened doors for us to communicate with people across the globe – but the technology often leads to misunderstanding…
UNSW engineer Nic Bingham at a refueling stop half way between South Pole and Ridge A, January 2013. Geoff Sims

Building a telescope in the coldest place on Earth

Russia’s Vostok station in Antarctica must be one of the scariest places on Earth. Temperatures regularly drop below -80C, and there is no way in or out for nine months of the year. The inhabitants become…
You may have heard of Bitcoin … but what about Litecoin? btckeychain

The Bitcoin bubble has burst, so what are the alternatives?

The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has been in the news lately with a sudden surge in value followed by a spectacular crash – not to mention the unfortunate tale of US$4 million in Bitcoin on a hard drive that…
It may not look like much from here, but Nova Centauri 2013 - visible for the next few days - is a nuclear explosion on a dead star. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Centre

Up in the sky: it’s a nuclear explosion!

If you live in the southern hemisphere, you now can safely view the aftermath of a nuclear explosion from the comfort of your own backyard. Just last week a new “star”, Nova Centauri 2013, was discovered…
Meet your earliest animal ancestor, the comb jelly. Patrick Calder

Ctenophores semaphore information about earliest animals

Most of us have never heard of Ctenophores, or comb jellies, but this is about to change. In a publication out today in Science, a team of researchers in the computational genomics unit at the National…
How you feel at work directly affects how you feel about work during leisure time. Alan Cleaver

Clock off, switch off: tips to stress less outside work hours

Australians are busy at work. We report very high levels of intensive working compared to other industrialised countries. And while it’s difficult to fully disconnect from work as we head home for the…
Early microbial communities, such as stromatolites, are intrinsically linked with the rise of oxygen. hannah takes pictures/Flickr

The rise and fall of oxygen

How long has Earth’s atmosphere included oxygen? A recent paper suggests low levels of oxygen appeared in the atmosphere approximately 2.95 billion years ago. That’s about 550 million years earlier than…
Avoid frustration and tears while shopping online this holiday season. Global Reactions

Online shoppers: before you click that ad, read this

Christmas is fast approaching, and this year is set to be the biggest ever for online shopping. Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent by Australians alone. And every year, the flurry of online…
Some technologies are easy to predict, but it’s easy to get the detail wrong. mcscrooge54/Flickr

How we forecast future technologies

Although I’m a futurist, I have absolutely no idea what information and communications technology will look like in 50 years time. I do know that some of it will be familiar because once we find a usable…
Don’t be confused: here’s the difference between radiation and radioactivity. Mob Mob

Explainer: the difference between radiation and radioactivity

On the weekend, a tank of radioactive material leaked from the closed Ranger uranium mine in the Northern Territory. While this has prompted concerns about the health of the surrounding Kakadu National…