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Lecturer in Philosophy of Science, University of Sydney

I work as both a biologist and philosopher, and use theoretical and empirical tools to answer questions which intersect the two fields.
I study freshwater fish and fruit flies to help me get to the bottom of some of these questions, such as:

How much of behavior is due to genes and the environment?
How does our knowledge of genetics shape the way we see ourselves & others?
Can genes influence the environment that we develop in?
How do genes and environments produce changes over evolutionary time?
How does causation operates in biological systems, and can it be measured?
What is the best way to do conservation biology?
Do animals have personalities, and how can we measure them?
Are animals conscious, and how can we be sure?


  • 2017–present
    Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Sydney


  • 2015 
    Macquarie University, PhD
  • 2013 
    Macquarie University, Bachelor of Advanced Science
  • 2008 
    University of Sydney, Bachelor of Arts (Hons)


National Committee for History and Philosophy of Science, Australian Academy of Science