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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5226 - 5250 of 6591 articles

3D printing holds many advantages for the manufacturing industry, including the ability to print moving parts. John Biehler

Can 3D printing rebuild manufacturing in Australia?

It’s not easy being a small business in the current manufacturing environment. The face of manufacturing is changing, and businesses are eager for technological advances that could give them a competitive…
It may be closed, but Silk Road was not the only online avenue to illegal goods and services.

End of the Silk Road: how did Dread Pirate Roberts get busted?

You’ll have seen the owner of notorious online marketplace Silk Road, Ross William Ulbricht, was arrested in a San Francisco public library on Wednesday, California time. But how does the administrator…
The huge task of locating and disposing of Syria’s chemical weapons has begun … so what will inspectors look for? EPA/Lucie Parsaghian

Seek and destroy: dismantling Syria’s chemical weapon stockpile

A team of inspectors from the United Nations and Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) entered Syria on Tuesday to begin the long task of finding and disposing of the country’s chemical…
Two golden records, on their way out of our solar system, carry Australian Aboriginal music – but what’s the real story behind the recording? x-ray delta one

Beyond the morning star: the real tale of the Voyagers’ Aboriginal music

Earlier this year, NASA spacecraft Voyager 1 left our solar system after a 35-year journey, carrying with it a golden record containing sounds, images and music from Earth. Its sister craft, Voyager 2…
It doesn’t matter how much evidence you have, people have already made up their mind about science. Flickr/blakeimeson

Right, left, wrong: people reject science because …

You’d be forgiven for thinking science is under attack. Climate science has been challenged by deniers and sceptics, vaccination rates are falling thanks to anti-vaccination movements, and GM crops are…
Not just a pretty planet – Jupiter may provide clues for detecting Earth-like planets. NASA

By Jove! Can climate change lead us to life on other planets?

Thanks to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report, we’ve recently heard a great deal about how the Earth’s climate is changing. The IPCC’s cautious assessment of the…
A new study shows there are benefits to researchers sharing their data. opensourceway

Scientists must share early and share often to boost citations

“Publish or perish” is a well-known maxim within academia. It is introduced to researchers early in their careers, often by a PhD supervisor, keen for his or her students to start building a career. While…
An international team of forensic scientists from all disciplines is investigating Kenya’s mall attack. EPA/Dai Kurokawa

Can forensic science unravel the chaos of Westgate mall?

The entire world witnessed last month’s horrifying terrorist attack on the Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya. Now forensic experts from Interpol, US, UK, Germany, and Canada have joined Kenyan law enforcement…
Even with water temperatures down to -20°C, Deep Lake is home to a surprising amount of life (and not just our research camp). Rick Cavicchioli

Sub-zero heroes: extremophiles call salty Antarctic lakes home

Imagine a lake so salty its water exists in a liquid state at -20 °C – then picture something thriving in that seemingly lethal environment. Such an organism exists; several of them, in fact. In a paper…
Apple’s newest mobile operating system may play havoc with your vestibular system. ohhector

Does iOS 7 make you ill? Give ‘simulator sickness’ the heave

If you feel slightly nauseated while using your iPhone or iPad, you’re not alone: you join a number of people reporting that the zooming, sliding and 3D effects of Apple’s new mobile operating system…
Animals in space were precursors to astronauts, so why do we continue to launch our furry friends into orbit? Jeremy Brooks

Dogonauts and Persian cats: why send animals into space?

If you believe news reports last week, Iran plans to launch a Persian cat into space in the next six months or so. What a good idea – how about launching Australia’s whole cat population on a one-way mission…
Australian police efforts to get more drones pay scant attention to how poorly they’ve worked overseas. grimjaws

Are police drones just toys for the boys?

Before the election, Tony Abbott reaffirmed the Coalition’s commitment to purchasing unmanned “drone” aircraft for military use, but he emphasised the need to review their efficacy and cost effectiveness…
Magnetic resonance imaging uses the body’s most abundant molecule – water. Berkeley Lab

The science of medical imaging: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Our short series, the Science of Medical Imaging, examines the technology behind non-invasive methods of creating images of the human body. In this third and final instalment, we look at the basics of…
Finding Entelognathus is a revelation comparable to the discovery of Archaeopteryx. Brian Choo

Extraordinary ‘missing link’ fossil fish found in China

A spectacular new “missing link” fossil has been unearthed in China. The 419 million year old armoured fish, called Entelognathus, meaning “complete jaw” solves an age-old debate in science. For palaeontologists…
Publishing a peer-reviewed paper isn’t easy, but new research confirms it’s worth the fight. Cartoon by Nick Kim, Massey University, Wellington

Predicting who will publish or perish as career academics

It doesn’t matter whether or not you think it’s fair: if you’re an academic, your publishing record will have a crucial impact on your career. It can profoundly affect your prospects for employment, for…
You can’t combat a point of view based on values with arguments based on science. John Virgolino

To change anti-science activists’ minds, go beyond science

The ABC recently reported that 400 people in the Philippines trampled vitamin-enriched “golden rice” trial crops because of fears to human health and biodiversity. A Greenpeace representative in Manila…
Fake or real? A simple question with a tricky answer. dhammza

Fake finger illusion pokes holes in body ownership

It may seem silly to ask yourself if your index finger is part of your body, but that question is actually perfectly reasonable in neuroscience research - and has led to important insights into key brain…
Communications minister Malcolm Turnbull has not accepted the resignation of six members of the NBN Co board – yet. AAP/Alan Porritt

NBN Co’s board members resign – but why?

The mass resignation of all board members but one of NBN Co - the company charged with rolling out the National Broadband Network (NBN) - should come as no surprise to anyone observing the NBN debate…
How can we make truly informed decisions if the scientific community itself is shut down? AAP Image/Dean Lewins

David Suzuki: Australian scientists should be up on the ramparts

Despite the enormous success of the environmental movement in the 1960s and 70s, we have fundamentally failed to use each of those battles to broaden the public understanding of why we were battling. It…
In places like Indonesia, where white rice is a staple food, vitamin deficiency is a serious problem – especially for children. Shreyans Bhansali

For GM food and vaccinations, the panic virus is a deadly disease

Most readers are aware of the benefits of using vaccines to boost the immune system and prevent infectious disease. Many readers will not be aware of a very different disease prevention tool: supplementing…
The shiny surface of an apple is often courtesy of the wax of a Brazilian palm tree. Micah Taylor

No need to get browned off – edible films keep fruit fresh

Packaged green salad items, such as lettuce, coleslaw, or spinach sold ready to toss in the salad bowl, are now a frequent item in supermarket trolleys. With the ongoing popularity of such convenience…
It didn’t take long for someone to figure out how to get around the lock screen on Apple’s newest operating system. Janitors

The Apple iOS 7 ‘security flaw’ is only a problem if you make it so

Are you worried about reporting that the new Apple iOS 7 update - officially released on Wednesday - already has a “security flaw”? If you’re overwhelmingly concerned about security, write your secrets…