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Articles on Australian Alps

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Wild horses, known as brumbies, in Australia.

Friday essay: the cultural meanings of wild horses

From 30,000-year-old cave paintings to The Man From Snowy River, wild horses have always been part of human culture. As Australia debates what to do with ‘brumbies’ in mountain environments, it’s time to reconsider their place.
A degraded wetland in the Pilot Wilderness area, Kosciuszko National Park, is subject to increasing numbers of feral horses. Graeme Worboys collection

Snowy hydro scheme will be left high and dry unless we look after the mountains

A reliable water supply from Australia’s mountain catchments depends on intact and functioning ecosystems.
Leadbeater’s possum needs more than a ‘set and forget’ approach to conserving the forests where it lives. AAP Image/Healesville Sanctuary

A great big new forest park won’t save Leadbeater’s possum

A large new national park might sound like the best way to protect the critically endangered Leadbeater’s possum. But it won’t do anything to save possums from the major threat of bushfire.
Science shows alpine grazing doesn’t reduce bushfire risk and damages the environment. But the issue will no doubt continue to be debated. AAP Image/Bob Richardson

The alpine grazing debate was never about science

Alpine grazing will be permanently banned from Victoria’s Alpine National Park under legislation debated this week.
A glimpse of wild brumbies in the Snowy Mountains. Michael Tristram/Flickr

The grim story of the Snowy Mountains’ cannibal horses

When you think of horses in the Australia high country, you might imagine noble brumbies galloping out from snowgums across grassy peaks, tails and manes trailing like streamers. But on a recent trip to…
Sunrise over Queenstown in New Zealand in July 2012. This year’s ski season is just beginning in Australia and New Zealand. Trey Ratcliff/Flickr

Winter is here, but will there be snow in Australia and NZ?

Australia’s ski season is finally getting underway, with the first resort, Perisher, opening its ski lifts after some weekend snow fall. But snow lovers are still watching and waiting for good falls elsewhere…
Water, habitat and tourist dollars: the Alps provide it all. Jane Rawson

We need our Alps, so why aren’t we looking after them?

The Australian Alps cover some 1.64 million hectares, 0.3% of the Australian continent. Included on the National Heritage register, they are of major environmental significance and home to rare and endangered…

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