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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

The biggest U.S. oil company wants to pay every American a dividend. AP Photo/Richard Drew

Taxing carbon may sound like a good idea but does it work?

Exxon Mobil has a clear motive to back a new plan to tax carbon with its clout and money. And a carbon tax that is high enough to work might prove politically impossible to enact.
Hog farm buildings are inundated with floodwater from Hurricane Florence near Trenton, N.C., in September 2018. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

Hurricanes, hog manure and the dire need for carbon pricing

Cheap fossil fuels contort the global economy in ways that have systematically harmed some and benefited others. Justice demands that those of us who have benefited take responsibility.
Protecting coastal wetlands, like this slough in Florida’s Everglades National Park, is a cost-effective way to reduce flooding and storm damage. NPS/C. Rivas

Protecting wetlands helps communities reduce damage from hurricanes and storms

Coastal development is destroying marshes, mangroves and other wetlands that provide valuable protection from hurricanes and storms. Research shows these benefits can be worth millions of dollars.
Without rapid and dramatic changes, the world will face a higher risk of extreme weather and other effects of climate change. AP Photo/Mike Groll

Why we can’t reverse climate change with ‘negative emissions’ technologies

The UN’s panel on climate change said that technologies to remove CO2 will be necessary to limit global temperature rise to only 1.5 degrees Celsius. But these techniques are largely unproven.