There are several ways a person using violence may exploit their own substance use, or that of those around them, to gain more power. This is sometimes called ‘substance use coercion’.
In Miranda Darling’s feminist fiction, Mrs Dalloway is a Sydney wife and mother who refuses to be tamed, despite her husband’s attempts at coercive control.
This is not the first time domestic violence has been declared a national crisis. Australian governments first got seriously involved in 1985. What can the past 40 years teach us?
Being given information about the violent past of a current partner can be life changing. Police forces need better resources to be able to process requests.
Two new books go behind the scenes on the Teacher’s Pet case. One is by Lyn Dawson’s daughter, Shanelle, and the other is by Hedley Thomas, creator of the internationally successful podcast.
Police-academic partnerships are key to the success of evidence-based policing. Growing support for coercive control legislation makes research collaboration all the more urgent.
According to the texts shared by his ex girlfriend, Jonah Hill had a series of prohibitions for her behaviour during their relationship. He described these as his ‘boundaries’.
Much of the media coverage of Tina Turner’s victim-survivor status overlooks the fact that as a black woman she walked a fine line in speaking publicly about her experiences.
Daniella Mestyanek Young grew up in the Children of God cult, also known as The Family. She escaped aged 15, then joined the US army after college – and recognised similar systems of toxic control.
After separation, mothers who experienced domestic violence on average suffered a drop in income of 34%, compared with a 20% decrease for mothers who didn’t experience domestic violence.