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Articles on Justin Trudeau

Displaying 81 - 100 of 288 articles

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau greets commuters at a Montréal Metro station the day after the federal election that saw him win re-election. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Why minority governments have been good — and sometimes bad — for Canada

Canada has elected another Liberal minority government. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of Canadian minority governments over the years.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is joined on stage by wife Sophie Gregoire, left, and children Xavier and Ella-Grace, right, during his victory speech at Liberal party campaign headquarters in Montreal. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatric

Canada’s status quo election: Trudeau returned with another minority, faces uncertain future

Justin Trudeau has been elected Canadian prime minister for the third time. But he failed to win the majority he wanted.
Supporters take part in a rally as Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau makes a campaign stop in Peterborough, Ont., on the weekend before the Sept. 20 election. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Federal election 2021: A campaign marked by failure and frustration

None of the three major political parties ran good campaigns this election. But the Liberals are on track to win again due to COVID-19, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and the PPC’s improving fortunes.
A four-year-old girl plays house as Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau makes a campaign stop in Mississauga, Ont., where he spoke of his party’s policy on affordable housing. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Federal election 2021: More supply won’t solve Canada’s housing affordability crisis

The fact that Canadian house prices have risen far beyond rental rates tells us that it’s due to financial factors alone — not a lack of supply. House prices are asset prices.
The words Government Arson are painted on a shipping container on a property that was destroyed by the White Rock Lake wildfire in August in British Columbia. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Climate action is at risk because of the snap federal election call

Canadians are faced with an unwanted election that’s placed climate progress at unnecessary risk.
Protesters wait for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau to arrive at a campaign event in Bolton, Ont. in August that had to be cancelled. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

From sunny ways to pelted with stones: Why do some Canadians hate Justin Trudeau?

Justin Trudeau has a reputation as a youthful progressive outside of Canada, but among right-wing Canadians online, he’s despised — and he’s been confronted with hostility on the campaign trail.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau makes a stop in an airplane hangar during the Canadian federal election campaign in Mississauga, Ont. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Rhetoric Check: Parliament wasn’t toxic — Justin Trudeau just wants a majority

A former political insider explains that the view inside government is generally the sooner minority rule is put to bed in favour of a majority, the better. That’s why Trudeau really called an election.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, right, leaves the stage with MP candidate Chrystia Freeland after revealing his party’s election platform. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

This federal election, the Liberals are outspending all the other parties combined when buying ads on Facebook

Facebook is providing information on political ad purchases during the federal election. This data provides a glimpse into how voters are targeted by political parties using social media platforms.
NDP leader Jagmeet Singh responds to a question during a news conference in Windsor, Ont., as he criticizes the Liberals. Strategic voting, when it’s in play, often serves to hurt the NDP. But is it effective in preventing Conservative victories? THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

Canadian election 2021: Do strategic voting campaigns actually work?

Labour unions and other progressive organizations in Canada have increasingly embraced strategic voting as a preferred strategy to defeat Conservative politicians. But does the tactic really work?
Justin Trudeau boards his campaign plane in Toronto on Aug. 17. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Rhetoric Check: Historically, how important is the 2021 Canadian election?

Is Justin Trudeau correct about the importance of this election? Nobody has a crystal ball to foresee what the government will do in the future. But it’s certainly important to Trudeau’s legacy.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau removes his mask as he prepares to speak at a news conference in Ottawa where he announced Canadians will go to the polls on Sept. 20. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Canadian election 2021: Voters head to the polls with the pandemic, climate change top of mind

From sunny ways to heat domes, much has changed since 2015. Justin Trudeau must convince voters he’s their best bet for pandemic and economic security, and to deal with climate change.
The Sept. 20 election call may place Canada’s long-awaited national child-care plan at risk. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Canadian election 2021: Will the national child-care plan survive?

We enter this election with eight signed child-care agreements and question marks over the fate of those deals if the Liberal’s gamble on a majority government fails.
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau speaks during a dramatic meeting with the entire federal cabinet and a delegation of about 200 First Nations leaders on Parliament Hill in Ottawa in 1970. THE CANADIAN PRESS/R. Mac

Pierre Trudeau’s failures on Indigenous rights tarnish his legacy

How did a national leader whose animating political spirit was protecting human rights come to adopt a passive acceptance of Canada’s worst face of colonialism?
By identifying the need to tackle systemic discrimination instead of colonialism, Trudeau is reinforcing an established idea in Canadian politics: that colonialism is history. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Not in the past: Colonialism is rooted in the present

Narratives that historicize colonialism are not new. Canadians and our leaders have a long history of denying our settler colonial present.

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