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Articles on Labour

Displaying 301 - 320 of 361 articles

Chinese workers are often aided by NGOs and usually receive little to no help from the main Chinese trade union. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD

China’s growing labour movement offers hope for workers globally

The growing labour movement in China, as fragmented and repressed as it is, offers hope for workers everywhere as an example of organising against incredible odds.
Ed also uses his as a doorstop. Stefan Rousseau/PA

Welcome to the age of the multi-tasking manifesto

With the polls showing the Conservatives and Labour firmly stuck in neck-and-neck position, they are playing on multiple chessboards in a desperate scramble for votes. Their latest move has been to publish…
A paper-thin victory may be the best these two can hope for. Stefan Rousseau/PA

Will Britain be governable after the election?

With parliament closed, the election campaign is now in full swing and it looks increasingly unlikely that either will win outright. A recent meeting of election forecasters concluded that the UK is heading…

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