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Articles on Montreal

Displaying 61 - 65 of 65 articles

Lucy Francineth Granados, a Montréal community organizer advocating for the rights of undocumented workers was forcibly and violently arrested at her home by the Canadian Border Security Agency on March 20, 2018. Community protests like this one on March 23 sprang up all over the city. (Ion Extebarria)

American-style deportation is happening in Canada

What kind of a country is Canada? One which truly welcomes and respects immigrants and their lives and safety? Or one which just says it does but brutally detains and deports them?
On Dec. 23, 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono went to Parliament Hill in Ottawa to meet Pierre Trudeau. The Canadian prime minister was the only world leader to meet with the peace activists. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Peter Bregg)

50 years ago, John and Yoko came to Canada to give peace a chance

John Lennon and Yoko Ono visited Canada on a peace mission: They met with leaders and asked difficult questions, relevant today. How do we effectively protest against social injustices and war?

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