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Articles on News

Displaying 81 - 100 of 161 articles

Maria Meza, a 40-year-old migrant woman from Honduras, runs away from tear gas with her 5-year-old twin daughters in front of the border wall in Tijuana, Mexico. Kim Kyung Hoon/Reuters

Of the trillion photos taken in 2018, which were the most memorable?

Each day, readers are bombarded with shocking, inspiring and informative images. In their overwhelming volume, they can be easily forgotten. Nonetheless, some do rise to the top.
The Guelph Mercury office in Guelph, Ont., is seen in January 2016 after the final print edition of the newspaper was published. Ottawa has announced initiatives to support local journalism, including a measure to classify nonprofit news organizations as charities, making it easier for them to attract donations. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Hannah Yoon

Nonprofit news: Lessons from south of the border

Canada has a lot to learn from the U.S. about nonprofit news. Here’s how nonprofit news organizations work in the United States. Spoiler alert: It’s all about collaboration.
WeChat is a Chinese social media platform, similar to Facebook. Shutterstock

How Australia’s Mandarin speakers get their news

Findings from a new study suggest that the main source of news for Mandarin-speakers living in Australia is local, Chinese-language outlets accessed via WeChat.
Young people are especially careful about expressing political view on social media. Shutterstock

Research reveals Australians are shy about expressing political views on social media

It may be because we’re early adopters and know the risks of social media, but a new study has found Australians are particularly careful about expressing political views online.
A screenshot from the Deadspin montage, which featured news anchors repeating the same script decrying ‘fake news.’ Deadspin

Local media struggle to hold Sinclair accountable

In many cases, the mistreatment of TV anchors has become the story – at the expense of bigger questions about corporate ownership.
Sinclair Broadcast Group is under fire, following the spread of a video showing anchors at its stations reading a script criticizing ‘fake’ news stories. Steve Ruark/AP Photo

Why are Sinclair’s scripted news segments such a big deal?

It’s worth looking at how local news stations have traditionally operated.
Why has B.C. become home to Canada’s most vibrant news ecosystem? Credit the wellspring of creativity here — the province’s beauty and potential has long attracted change-makers. (Shutterstock)

A good news story about the news in British Columbia

A good news story about the news? It’s true. In British Columbia, a digital news ecology is flowering through ‘coopetition’ – as Media Democracy Day will soon showcase.
Heritage Minister Melanie Joly recently announced a new policy for Canada’s cultural and creative industries competing in a digital world, but it offers little help for organizations that produce serious journalism. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Fred Chartrand

Why is Melanie Joly ignoring the crisis in Canadian journalism?

The Canadian news industry is in a crisis. Rather than providing a way forward, the Liberal government suggests that Facebook, Twitter, and Google will “jumpstart digital news innovation.”

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