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Articles on Parliament

Displaying 121 - 140 of 152 articles

Malcolm Turnbull has implemented a ‘constituency Question Time’. Mick Tsikas/AAP

The Turnbull government gets practiced at pivots

Malcolm Turnbull has unveiled changes to question time to give government backbenchers a new opportunity to pitch to their local audiences. It’s quite a clever tactic.
Bronwyn Bishop resigned as Speaker following a controversy that brought the public’s trust in her office into question. AAP/Daniel Munoz

New Speaker must lead the way in restoring parliamentary ethics and trust

What can the new Speaker do to restore the Australian public’s faith in the office – and in MPs more broadly – after Bronwyn Bishop’s resignation due to a series of lavish entitlement claims?
The speakership has become so politicised in Australia that we’ve been blinded to the possibilities that having a truly independent Speaker might open up. AAP/Mick Tsikas

A truly independent Speaker could renew Australia’s parliamentary democracy

By making the speakership a political gift of the party in power, Australia is missing a major opportunity for democratic renewal of its parliament.
Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron outside Number 10 Downing Street, where he’ll be able to remain should there be a hung parliament. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

If the UK parliament is hung again, Cameron can squat at Number 10

Britain looks set for another hung parliament after the May 7 election – a prospect that gets people surprisingly muddled. Australia could teach Britain’s leaders a lesson in caretaker governments.
The Abbott government’s expedited passage of national security laws in 2014 demonstrated an underlying disrespect for the legislative process. AAP/Nikki Short

‘Good government’ gets lost in the pursuit of national security

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has made two key pledges in recent weeks – to begin “good government” and to no longer give “the benefit of doubt” to people suspected of planning terrorist activities in Australia…
Queensland Labor leader Annastacia Palaszczuk said on Sunday that she’s ‘optimistic’ of forming a majority government, but it may be days before that’s clear. AAP/Dan Peled

What’s next for Queensland if there’s a hung parliament?

While counting continues in the Queensland election, one possibility is a hung parliament with neither major party holding a majority. Prior to the election, both party leaders indicated that they would…
Separating power is not so easy. Owen Humphreys/PA Wire

People must remain engaged in debate over future of Britain

The vote, in the end, was decisive, with the Better Together campaign winning with 55% of ballots cast. As a Glaswegian living in Southampton, I’ve watched from afar, saddened not to be in my home nation…
Australian Federal Police officers outside Parliament House in Canberra today. The AFP is set to take over Parliament House security after ‘chatter’ about a possible terrorist attack. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Parliament ramps up security, only months after scaling it back

Liberal senator Bill Heffernan has had the last laugh on the serious question of security at Australia’s Parliament. Earlier this year, security was slackened in a bid to save A$400,000. MPs’ staff and…
Speaker Bercow is in a pickle over his choice of clerk. PA/PA Wire/Press Association Images

House of Commons clerk spat is more important than you think

As the Chief Officer of the House of Commons, the speaker is well used to being in the spotlight. But in recent weeks, John Bercow has dominated the airwaves more than at any point since his election in…
Couple risk getting caught by the tide. Vicki & Chuck Rogers

Common-law marriage myth highlights desperate need for reform

Your common-law wife and husband do not exist. Next month will see the latest stage in the latest attempt to improve the legal standing for people that live together but choose not to marry. With nearly…
Environment minister Greg Hunt and prime minister Tiny Abbott are keen to repeal the carbon tax as soon as parliament sits - but it may prove harder than they thought. AAP/Alan Porritt

Carbon tax showdown: the rocky road ahead for Abbott

The Coalition will introduce its draft bill to repeal the Clean Energy Act into parliament next week. The bill would effectively remove the current carbon tax and its planned replacement, an emissions…
The PUP bloc will only be able to act on issues the major parties disagree on. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Why Palmer’s pups are unlikely to block the Senate

If you believe the recent media reports about the composition of the Senate from July 1 next year, you’d think we were facing three years of the Clive Palmer’s Palmer United Party (PUP) “bloc” holding…
What is life like inside the office of MPs who hold the balance of power, such as retiring independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor? AAP/Alan Porritt

The retiring independents: looking inside the ‘balance of power’

With the end of each parliament there inevitably comes a series of announcements that particular parliamentarians will not be contesting the next election. Usually, these decisions are justified by the…
The federal government has suspended debate on a number of bills in the final parliamentary sitting week before the election. AAP/Lukas Coch

Is the government gagging the referendum debate?

The federal government has announced that it will gag debate on 53 bills in the Senate next week. One of them, the proposed constitutional amendment on the recognition of local government, is to be limited…

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