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Articles on Polarisation

Displaying 21 - 27 of 27 articles

Venezuelan demonstrators clash with the National Guard in October 2016 during a protest demanding the removal of President Nicolas Maduro. Carlos Eduardo Ramirez/Reuters

Political dialogue is a lost art in Venezuela and the Vatican’s intervention won’t help

In a time of hunger and violence, Venezuela’s proposed peace talks are narrowly focused on power distribution. But where’s the seat for the countries citizens?
The man to watch: new Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Midterms 2014: a little big day

No denying it, Tuesday was a big day for Republicans. They took control of the Senate, expanded their majority in the House, and added to the number of governorships they hold. The Senate outcome is rightly…

First nano-scale optical circuit built

The first electronic circuit to replace electric current with lightwaves has been built by researchers at the University…

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